- Introduction
- Problem Statement
- Part 1: Data Gathering
- Part 2: Data Analysis
- Part 3: MapReduce
- Files
- Software Requirements
- Conclusion
- References
In this project, we look at NYC Subway Data to find out whether more people ride the subway when it’s raining versus when it’s not.
We will compare New York City Subway data, use statistical methods and data visualization to draw an interesting conclusion about the subway with the dataset that we have analysed.
The NYC public transportation system - Metro Transit Authority - provides data for download via csv files. Part of the information available are data from the subway turnstiles, containing weekly logs for cumulative entries and exits by turnstile and by subway station during a provided timeframe.
For this project, we only used the information available here.
The goal of this project is to explore the relationship between data from the NYC Subway turnstiles and the city weather. For this, besides data from the subway, we will also need data from the weather in NYC.
Here are the main points that will be considered in this work:
- Gathering data from the Internet
- Using Statistics for Data Analysis
- Data handling and simple graphics creation with
The below code accesses the link http://web.mta.info/developers/turnstile.html and downloads all files from June 2017. The files are named in this format:
turnstile_100617.txt, where 10/06/17 is the file's date.
The code below uses urllib library to open and redeem a webpage.
u = urllib.urlopen(url)
html = u.read()
Now we'll use the BeautifulSoup library to search for the link to the file we want to download in the page. The command below creates a soup object and does a search for all 'a' tags in the document:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
links = soup.find_all('a')
A tip to only download the files from June is to check data in the name of the file. For instance, to download the 17/06/2017 file, we'll check if the link ends with "turnstile_170610.txt" like this:
if '1706' in link.get('href'):
The final tip is to use the command below to download the txt file:
urllib.urlretrieve(link_do_arquivo, filename)
After retrieving from URLs, these four TXT files are created:
- turnstile_030617.txt
- turnstile_100617.txt
- turnstile_170617.txt
- turnstile_240617.txt
Now we want to combine all the files into a single file to make the data
analysis process easier. Method create_master_turnstile_file()
in Cell No. 5 in
Jupyter Notebook does that.
Next step is to filter the DESCn
column to just consider the REGULAR
turnstiles. Method filter_by_regular()
does that.
Now we have two functions which calculate the hourly entries and exits.
calculates the hourly entries and get_hourly_exits()
calculates the hourly exits.
Distribution of hourly entries when calculated on the basis of raining condition gives some interesting results.
This distribution is highly right-skewed for both the cases. Hourly entries are significantly higher when it doesn't rain. It means more people use the subway when the sky is clear.
Now, we will create a mapper. For each entry line, the mapper exit will PRINT
(not return) UNIT
as a key, and the number of ENTRIESn_hourly
as the value.
We'll separate the key and the value with a tab. For example: 'R002 \ t105105.0'
import sys
def mapper():
Parses "UNIT" and "ENTRIESn_hourly" for each row and prints to stdout
for line in sys.stdin:
observation = line.strip().split(",")
if len(observation) >= 7:
unit = observation[1]
entriesn_hourly = observation[6]
print "%s\t%s" % (unit, entriesn_hourly)
sys.stdin = open('turnstile_data_master_with_weather.csv')
sys.stdout = open('mapper_result.txt', 'w')
This creates mapper_result.txt with two entries per line. Here is a preview:
Now, we'll create the reducer. Given the mapper result from the previous exercise, the reducer will print (not return) one line per UNIT
, with the total number of ENTRIESn_hourly
during May (which is our data duration), separated by a tab. An example of exit line from the reducer will look like this: 'R001 \ t500625.0'
Assumption:We assume that the entry for the reducer is ordered in a way that all lines corresponding to a particular unit are grouped. However, the reducer exit will have repetition, as there are stores that appear in different files' locations.
def reducer():
old_key = None
entries_count = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
row = line.strip().split("\t")
if len(row) != 2:
this_key, this_entry = row
if (old_key) and (old_key != this_key):
print "%s\t%s" % (old_key, entries_count)
old_key = this_key
entries_count = 0
old_key = this_key
entries_count += float(this_entry)
print "%s\t%s" % (old_key, entries_count)
sys.stdin = open('mapper_result.txt')
sys.stdout = open('reducer_result.txt', 'w')
This create a reducer_result.txt
file with only two entries: UNIT
and total
number of entries through it. Here's a preview:
This project uses Python 2.7.15 and the necessary libraries (except the standard ones) are mentioned in requirements.txt file.
. ├── Analyzing_Subway_Data_NDFDSI.ipynb---------# ANALYSIS NOTEBOOK ├── mapper_result.txt--------------------------# MAPPER OUTPUT SAVED IN THIS FILE ├── master_file.txt----------------------------# COMBINATION OF THE BELOW FOUR TXT FILES | # OF TURNSTILE DATA | # (file format is turnstile_***.txt) ├── reducer_result.txt-------------------------# REDUCER OUTPUT SAVED IN THIS FILE ├── turnstile_030617.txt-----------------------# WEEK 1 TURNSTILE DATA FOR JUNE 2017 ├── turnstile_100617.txt-----------------------# WEEK 2 TURNSTILE DATA FOR JUNE 2017 ├── turnstile_170617.txt-----------------------# WEEK 3 TURNSTILE DATA FOR JUNE 2017 ├── turnstile_240617.txt-----------------------# WEEK 4 TURNSTILE DATA FOR JUNE 2017 └── turnstile_data_master_with_weather.csv-----# WEATHER DATA DOWNLOADED FROM S3
We compared the hourly trends for subway user when it rains vs when it doesn't. From the graph here, it looks like both distributions are skewed and on an average people use subway more when the sky is clear.
Then we used Hadoop Streaming to perform a MapReduce job in Python. Mapper
function returns the number of hourly entries for every unit. And since the keys
are already sorted when parsing from sys.stdin
to mapper()
, there is no
need to perform the intermediate shuffle sort step. All we have to do is pass
the output of mapper()
to reducer()
. Reducer performs aggregated sum over
all keys. The result is a single value for every key (unit in this case for
interaction count with subway users for each turnstile).
This project gives a practical experience of writing MapReduce jobs in Python
with the help of Hadoop Streaming. Hadoop Streaming is a generic API which
allows writing Mappers and Reducers in any language which can read from
- Data and metadata from Metro Transit Authority, New York.