The three seven segment display counter down timer which can be counted down from any time between 9:59 minutes. The VHDL program is generic which can be modified to increase hours and minutes with…
VHDL UpdatedDec 23, 2017 -
The project provides information on how to use vhdl programming language on altera de2 board for buliding a fully functional jackpot game. The jack pot game uses switches push buttons, LCD and Impo…
VHDL UpdatedDec 23, 2017 -
Array-Multiplier Public
Multiplier is one of the most important arithmetic unit in Microprocessors and DSPs and also a major source of power dissipation. Reducing the power dissipation of multipliers is a key to satisfy t…
1 UpdatedJun 6, 2017 -
This is an IOT based monitoring system which gives real time data via sms depending on the data obtained the front end of the project can be controlled using mobile device which is connected throug…
PNSequenceMultiplier Public
PN SequenceMultiplier gives the result of how nth-order PN sequence can be used to multiply two n/2-bit numbers to n-bit accuracy.Multiplier is one of the most important arithmetic unit in Micropro…
VHDL UpdatedMay 25, 2017