Bus Guiding System for Karachi(Pakistan) City Only. Takes the current location and the destination, and tells the bus name on which a person has to go in order to reach on the desired destination.
Karachi is a metropolitan city, people from different cities came here for taking job opportunities & for higher education. After coming here people find it very hard to travel from one place to other since it’s a very big city and everyone is so busy in their life that they can’t even help them to guide properly. So this project is for those peoples who find it difficult or hard to travel in local transport of Karachi. This System will basically allow people to enter their current location and the destination to reach and will return the Bus name, which will take them to their respective areas. Since this is a Database system so one feature is that we can add, delete, modify or search the records which will be under admin’s control.
• 2 Users (Admin & Guest) Admin will be password protected and will be used for the Management of Database System. While Guest will be free to use, this can be available for passengers/travellers.
• Admin: Allowed to
- Add the records in the database.
- Delete the old or wrong records.
- Modifying the Records.
• Guest:
Allowed to Use the System for the guidance.