This plugin rewrites .jsx
, .ts
and .tsx
imports to .js
for transform
mode (bundle: false). Please see evanw/esbuild#2435.
It rewrites paths the same way __rewriteRelativeImportExtension from Typescript does!
import { context } from "npm:esbuild";
import { expandGlobSync } from "jsr:@std/fs";
import { rewriteRelativeImportExtensionsPlugin } from "jsr:@onyx/esbuild-plugin-rewrite-relative-import-extensions";
const src = "public/src";
const entryPoints = [
].map((entry) => entry.path);
const ctx = await context({
bundle: false,
jsx: "automatic",
outdir: src,
plugins: [rewriteRelativeImportExtensionsPlugin()],
sourcemap: "inline",
console.log("Watching files ✨");
If you get issues with the output generation, use outbase: src