The idea is to plot the emotion of the story in a graph. So that we can literally "see" the roller coaster of emotions the movie has to offer.
A python program that uses the text-blob library to gauge the sentiments of the movie plot one sentence at a time.
We just copy the plot from wikipedia and paste the plot of as a string variable in python.
Then clean the string for numbers, special characters and citation numbers that are usually present in a wikipedia content.
Split the large string into single sentences using fullstops as the divider.
Import TextBlob and input the whole plot pragraph line by line in a FOR loop and let TextBlob do its magic. Copy the resulting list of numbers(sentiments value) to an excel/csv file and plot the graph.
X axis: Nth sentence in the plot
Y axis: Polarity of the sentence (1.0=positive, 0.0=neutral, -1.0=negative)
- Avatar (English)
- Drishyam (Malayalam)
- Joker (English)
- Lucifer (Malayalam)
- Manichitratazhu (Malayalam)
- Titanic (English)