- Kubernetes cluster - Build K8s cluster using Minikube https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
- Install Kuma Mesh - https://kuma.io/docs/1.3.0/installation/kubernetes/
Explore below Kuma Mesh policies which can be applied for service to service communication within the mesh -
- Traffic permission
- Traffic route
- Rate limiting
- Deploy demo app and redis from https://github.com/kumahq/kuma-counter-demo
- Once the pods are running then apply mtls.yaml to encrypt the traffic between services.
kubectl apply -f kuma-mesh-policies/policies/mtls.yaml
- Apply traffic-permission.yaml to allow traffic to the authorized destination service.
kubectl apply -f kuma-mesh-policies/policies/traffic-permission.yaml
- Create different version of redis and apply traffic-route.yaml for blue/green or canary deployments for redis services.
kubectl apply -f kuma-mesh-policies/deployment/kuma-demo-redis.yaml -n kuma-demo
kubectl apply -f kuma-mesh-policies/policies/traffic-route.yaml
- Apply rate limiting policy to limit the traffic for destination service.
kubectl apply -f kuma-mesh-policies/policies/rate-limit.yaml
Name | Email Id |
Saravanan Periyasamy | saravanancse03@gmail.com |
Anup Kumar Rai | raianup.2407@gmail.com |