Desktop application, music player which will optionally play audios from YouTube and track music through scrobbling
In progress
- Python
- tkinter package
- pygame and pygame mixer
- Mutagen multimedia tagging library
- ttk package
- py2exe
- cx_Freeze
- Python 3.6
- pygame 1.9.6
- Mutagen 1.42.0
- tkinter
- cx_Freeze 6.0
- py2exe
Thanks to:
- Attreya Bhatt for his Build with Python YouTube Channel
- App icon created from Pixabay image, Pixabay License
- Mute, Pause, Speaker, Add and Delete icons made by Google, CC BY 3.0
- Play icon made by Yannick, CC BY 3.0
- Rewind icon made by Smashicons, Flaticon Basic License