This a rest REST API for querying and retrieving scoped news and information of employees in an organization
To get a local copy, follow these simple example steps.
A computer with a working and up to date web browser.
- Clone the repository to your folder of choice using Git (or just download all the files)
- Install JVM
- Install Java IDE of your choice
$ git clone
$ psql
$ CREATE DATABASE organisation_db;
$\c organisation_db
$ CREATE TABLE users (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, role varchar, position varchar, departmentid int);
$ CREATE TABLE departments (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, description varchar);
$ CREATE TABLE generalnews (id serial PRIMARY KEY, newsheading varchar, news varchar, personid int);
$ CREATE TABLE departmentnews (id serial PRIMARY KEY, newsheading varchar, news varchar, personid int,departmentid int);
👤 Author
By Duncan Kipkosgei Moiyo
- GitHub: @saretoduncan
- twitter: @duncan_sareto
- email: mail📪
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Appreciation to Moringa school for giving me this opportunity to learn 😊
This project is MIT licensed.