Weather prediction is one of the most certainly required information in all over the regions. It involves collecting global meteorological surface and upper-air observations, preparing global surface and upper air pressure, temperature, moisture, and wind analyses at frequent time intervals based upon these observations we predict some data for upcoming days weather conditions.
This project utilizes Python for data cleaning, MySQL for data exploration, Facebook Prophet for data prediction, and Microsoft Power BI for dashboard visualization. The project aims to provide users with accurate weather predictions and insights.
The data cleaning process involves using Python to clean and prepare the data for analysis. The Python script removes duplicates, preprocess and standardizes the format of the data. Data Cleaning code
The data exploration process involves using MySQL to analyze the data. The data is queried, filtered, and summarized to identify patterns and trends. The insights gained from this process inform the data prediction step. SQL Queries
-Power Query (Excel)
-Data transformation (Appending data)
-Case When, SUM(CASE WHEN...)
-JOIN Types
-Over/Partition By