This project utilizes SQL on MySQL Server and Tableau Visualizations to extract, process, and visually represent financial loan data. Specifically, the focus is on Prosper Loan Data, aiming to extract actionable insights. The project involves creating a MySQL database through the "data local infile" method and calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to Loan Portfolio Metrics, Financial Performance, and Borrower Metrics. These insights are then presented through a Tableau Dashboard for enhanced graphical representation.
Technologies Used:
- SQL (Aggregate Functions, Sorting, Filtering, Grouping) on MySQL Server
- Tableau Visualizations
Project Workflow:
- Data Source - https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nurudeenabdulsalaam/prosper-loan-dataset
- Data Dictonary - Refer Prosper Loan Data - Variable Definitions - Sheet1.pdf
- Creating a table named prosperLoandata_temp
- Loading .csv into MySQL - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/load-data.html
- Generating KPI Metrics (Loan Portfolio Metrics, Financial Performance, and Borrower Metrics) using SQL Language.
- Exporting the project_data into .csv and importing the data into Tableau
- Data Visualization in Tableau.
Tableau Dashboard : https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/sravya.arutla/viz/LoanPerformanceMetrics/Dashboard1