- Funabashi, Chiba, Japan
- https://www.sasasin.net/
- @sasasin_net
A tracking of the differences between official announcements related to "No Auth, No Entry" at Google and Yahoo! starting from February 2024
Implementing message queueing with Amazon DynamoDB in Go.
virtualization-rs provides the API of the Apple Virtualization.framework in Rust language.
BigQuery emulator server implemented in Go
ecschedule is a tool to manage ECS Scheduled Tasks.
「仕事ではじめる検索システム」という本があったなら,という想像の産物です -> 「検索システム ― 実務者のための開発改善ガイドブック」になりました
AWS Lambda function to relay fingerprint-ed / normalized MySQL Slow Query logs to Datadog.
departurerb / departure
Forked from redbooth/departurePercona's pt-online-schema-change runner for ActiveRecord migrations.
Useful scripts, udfs, views, and other utilities for migration and data warehouse operations in BigQuery.
Generate an image of all your Github contributions
AWS Lambda function for insert Kinesis event to Google BigQuery
A pluggable CLI utility to send alerts if a given command failed.
A consistent code style guide for SQL to ensure legible and maintainable projects
Btapp.js demo that shows using the library in a chrome plugin to download torrent contents like normal downloads.
alminium / alminium
Forked from mikoto20000/railsgunRedmine、DVCS(Git/VMercurial)、Backlogs、コードレビュープラグインなど、開発に必要な環境を簡単にセットアップします。
tDiaryの非正規リポジトリ。どなたでもcommit可能です。commit権希望の方、まずはパッチ等をpull requestして下さい。