Project name: Pupsales
This website was created for people that are looking to adopt a puppy. It displays pictures and a short description of the dogs that are available for adoption and looking for tehir forever home. It is about a company that look out for both people wanting to adopt as well as the best interests of the puppies. There are so many dogs that need a home and this is a way that is easy for any person to find a puppy that requires a home.
1.How to install
2.How to use my project
3. Credits
- Go to the following website:
- Click in the Search for user.
- Search my ID sashaf91
- Click on pupsales repostitory and all information will be available.
Simple web project. Navigates like any other website.
- Sasha Fourie
- HyperionDev for giving inspiration and the tools necessary to create a website