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updated performance metrics
dhruvagrawal27 committed Jan 21, 2025
commit b3fcf3b2c4412d47d6fc50caca923eafacb4c09b
273 changes: 186 additions & 87 deletions
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@@ -1,112 +1,211 @@
import cv2
import os
import sys
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import seaborn as sns
from enhance import image_enhance
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize, thin

from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
import numpy as np

def removedot(invertThin):
# Previous implementation remains the same
temp0 = numpy.array(invertThin[:])
temp0 = numpy.array(temp0)
temp1 = temp0/255
temp1 = temp0 / 255
temp2 = numpy.array(temp1)
temp3 = numpy.array(temp2)

enhanced_img = numpy.array(temp0)
filter0 = numpy.zeros((10,10))
W,H = temp0.shape[:2]
filtersize = 6
W, H = temp0.shape[:2]

for i in range(W - filtersize):
for j in range(H - filtersize):
filter0 = temp1[i:i + filtersize,j:j + filtersize]
filter0 = temp1[i:i + filtersize, j:j + filtersize]

flag = 0
if sum(filter0[:,0]) == 0:
flag +=1
if sum(filter0[:,filtersize - 1]) == 0:
flag +=1
if sum(filter0[0,:]) == 0:
flag +=1
if sum(filter0[filtersize - 1,:]) == 0:
flag +=1
if sum(filter0[:, 0]) == 0:
flag += 1
if sum(filter0[:, filtersize - 1]) == 0:
flag += 1
if sum(filter0[0, :]) == 0:
flag += 1
if sum(filter0[filtersize - 1, :]) == 0:
flag += 1
if flag > 3:
temp2[i:i + filtersize, j:j + filtersize] = numpy.zeros((filtersize, filtersize))

return temp2

def get_descriptors(img):
clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8))
img = clahe.apply(img)
img = image_enhance.image_enhance(img)
img = numpy.array(img, dtype=numpy.uint8)
# Threshold
ret, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
# Normalize to 0 and 1 range
img[img == 255] = 1

skeleton = skeletonize(img)
skeleton = numpy.array(skeleton, dtype=numpy.uint8)
skeleton = removedot(skeleton)
# Harris corners
harris_corners = cv2.cornerHarris(img, 3, 3, 0.04)
harris_normalized = cv2.normalize(harris_corners, 0, 255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_32FC1)
threshold_harris = 125
# Extract keypoints
keypoints = []
for x in range(0, harris_normalized.shape[0]):
for y in range(0, harris_normalized.shape[1]):
if harris_normalized[x][y] > threshold_harris:
keypoints.append(cv2.KeyPoint(y, x, 1))
# Define descriptor
orb = cv2.ORB_create()
# Compute descriptors
_, des = orb.compute(img, keypoints)
return (keypoints, des);

# Previous implementation remains the same
clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
img = clahe.apply(img)
img = image_enhance.image_enhance(img)
img = numpy.array(img, dtype=numpy.uint8)

# Threshold
_, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
img[img == 255] = 1

# Thinning
skeleton = skeletonize(img)
skeleton = numpy.array(skeleton, dtype=numpy.uint8)
skeleton = removedot(skeleton)

# Harris corners
harris_corners = cv2.cornerHarris(img, 3, 3, 0.04)
harris_normalized = cv2.normalize(harris_corners, 0, 255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_32FC1)
threshold_harris = 125

keypoints = []
for x in range(harris_normalized.shape[0]):
for y in range(harris_normalized.shape[1]):
if harris_normalized[x, y] > threshold_harris:
keypoints.append(cv2.KeyPoint(y, x, 1))

orb = cv2.ORB_create()
_, des = orb.compute(img, keypoints)
return keypoints, des

def verify_fingerprint(img1_path, img2_path, score_threshold=33):
# Previous implementation remains the same
img1 = cv2.imread(img1_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img2 = cv2.imread(img2_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

kp1, des1 = get_descriptors(img1)
kp2, des2 = get_descriptors(img2)

if des1 is None or des2 is None:
print("Descriptors could not be extracted. Ensure the images are of sufficient quality.")
return False, None, None

bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
matches = sorted(bf.match(des1, des2), key=lambda match: match.distance)

score = sum(match.distance for match in matches) / len(matches)
is_match = score < score_threshold
return is_match, score, matches

def calculate_biometric_metrics(y_true, y_pred, scores):
Calculate biometric-specific performance metrics
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel()
total = len(y_true)

# Basic Metrics
far = fp / (fp + tn) # False Accept Rate
frr = fn / (fn + tp) # False Reject Rate
gar = tp / (tp + fn) # Genuine Accept Rate (True Positive Rate)
fmr = fp / (fp + tn) # False Match Rate
fnmr = fn / (fn + tp) # False Non-Match Rate

# Advanced Metrics
eer = (far + frr) / 2 # Equal Error Rate (simplified approximation)
fta = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(scores)) / len(scores) # Failure to Acquire

# Additional Metrics
tpr = tp / (tp + fn) # True Positive Rate
tnr = tn / (tn + fp) # True Negative Rate

return {
'FAR': far,
'FRR': frr,
'GAR': gar,
'FMR': fmr,
'FNMR': fnmr,
'EER': eer,
'FTA': fta,
'TPR': tpr,
'TNR': tnr

def plot_biometric_metrics(metrics):
Create visualizations for biometric metrics
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))

# Plot 1: Basic Metrics
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
basic_metrics = ['FAR', 'FRR', 'GAR']
values = [metrics[m] for m in basic_metrics], values)
plt.title('Basic Biometric Metrics')

# Plot 2: ROC-like visualization
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'r--') # Diagonal line
plt.plot([0, metrics['FAR']], [metrics['GAR'], metrics['GAR']], 'b-', label='Operating Point')
plt.scatter(metrics['FAR'], metrics['GAR'], color='blue', s=100)
plt.title('ROC Operating Point')
plt.xlabel('False Accept Rate (FAR)')
plt.ylabel('Genuine Accept Rate (GAR)')

# Plot 3: Advanced Metrics
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
adv_metrics = ['FMR', 'FNMR', 'EER', 'FTA']
values = [metrics[m] for m in adv_metrics], values)
plt.title('Advanced Biometric Metrics')

# Plot 4: System Performance
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
labels = ['Genuine Accept', 'False Reject', 'False Accept', 'True Reject']
sizes = [metrics['GAR'], metrics['FRR'], metrics['FAR'], metrics['TNR']]
plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
plt.title('System Performance Distribution')

return plt.gcf()

def main():
image_name = sys.argv[1]
img1 = cv2.imread(r"C:\Users\lenovo\python-fingerprint-recognition\database\1cenhanced.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img2 = cv2.imread(r"C:\Users\lenovo\python-fingerprint-recognition\database\enhanced.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
kp1, des1 = get_descriptors(img1)

image_name = sys.argv[2]
kp2, des2 = get_descriptors(img2)

# Matching between descriptors
bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
matches = sorted(bf.match(des1, des2), key= lambda match:match.distance)
# Plot keypoints
img4 = cv2.drawKeypoints(img1, kp1, outImage=None)
img5 = cv2.drawKeypoints(img2, kp2, outImage=None)
f, axarr = plt.subplots(1,2)
# Plot matches
img3 = cv2.drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches, flags=2, outImg=None)

# Calculate score
score = 0;
for match in matches:
score += match.distance
score_threshold = 33
if score/len(matches) < score_threshold:
print("Fingerprint matches.")
print("Fingerprint does not match.")

# Input paths for two images
img1_path = r"C:\Users\lenovo\python-fingerprint-recognition\database\1cenhanced.jpg"
img2_path = r"C:\Users\lenovo\python-fingerprint-recognition\database\final_enhanced.jpg"

# Get verification results
is_match, score, matches = verify_fingerprint(img1_path, img2_path)

if score is not None:
print(f"Matching Score: {score:.2f}")
print(f"Result: The fingerprints {'match' if is_match else 'do not match'}.")

# Display matches visualization
img1 = cv2.imread(img1_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img2 = cv2.imread(img2_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
kp1, _ = get_descriptors(img1)
kp2, _ = get_descriptors(img2)
img_matches = cv2.drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches, flags=2, outImg=None)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.title("Matching Keypoints")

# Simulate a batch of results for metrics calculation
# In a real system, you would have actual test results
y_true = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # Ground truth
y_pred = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] # Predictions
scores = [score] * len(y_true) # Simulated scores

# Calculate and display biometric metrics
metrics = calculate_biometric_metrics(y_true, y_pred, scores)

print("\nBiometric Performance Metrics:")
for metric, value in metrics.items():
print(f"{metric}: {value:.4f}")

# Plot metrics
fig = plot_biometric_metrics(metrics)

print("Unable to compute matching score due to descriptor issues.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions server_files/
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Python Fingerprint Recognition

Fingerprint recognition with SKimage and OpenCV

- NumPy
- SKimage
- OpenCV2

Works by extracting minutiae points using harris corner detection.

Uses SIFT (ORB) go get formal descriptors around the keypoints with brute-force hamming distance and then analyzes the returned matches using thresholds.


1. Place 2 fingerprint images that you want to compare inside the database folder
2. Pass the names of the images as arguments in the console

## Dockerfile

If you don't want to install the libraries, or want a easier way to test the application you can follow the commands:

docker build -t <name_of_your_choice> .

docker run -it <name_of_your_choice> <fingerprint_1> <fingerprint_2>

If you don't have Docker Engine installed, you can get the instructions to install it here: [Install Docker](

NOTE: the fingerprints must be in the `/database` folder

## Credits

Special thanks to for providing a library used to enhance the fingerprint picture.