Basic support for uploading Node.js function
Pre-releaseAdded basic support for uploading Node.js function with zip-archived artifact.
- Install Node.js, verify npm is also available
- Install NodeJS plugin to the IntelliJ IDEA: start the IntelliJ IDEA, open Preferences, navigate to the Plugins tab, hit the "Browse repositories..." button, search and select NodeJS, hit "Install" button and then "Restart IDEA" to apply changes.
- On you disk - create a folder for a project for the Node.js AWS Lambda function, navigate to this folder
- run commands to install aws-sdk modules and create empty file "index.js" within "src" folder
npm install aws-sdk
mkdir src
touch src/index.js
(in Windows instead of "touch": echo "" > src/index.js )
- In IntelliJ IDEA open the project, selecting the folder, created above
- In the index file copy paste the code:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
callback(null, "some success message with a name " +;
// or
// callback("some error type");
Open the Project Structure, select Artifacts section on the left
Hit the "+" button to add a new artifact, choose a type "Other"
Specify a name of the artifact, optionally - tick the checkbox "Include in the project build"
In the "Output Layout" tab - hit the icon "Create Archive" (a second one next to the icon "Folder with +")
In the dialog - enter the archive name, with an extension ".zip", hit "Ok"
Right click on the added archive-name, in the menu - select "Create Directory", enter "node_modules", hit "Ok"
Right click on the added directory name, in the menu - select "Add Copy of", select "Directory Content", choose the folder "node_modules" in the project's folder, hit "Open"
Similar way - add a reference to the folder "src" in the project's folder
Right click on the archive-name, in the menu - select "Add Copy of", select "File", choose a file "package-lock.json" in the project's folder, hit "Open"
Rebuld the project and an artifact (if not build automatically). Check if the artifact contains the file in the "out" folder of the project
Refresh the "Artifacts" list in the "Connector for AWS Lambda" plugin tab, select the artifact and a function (with NodeJS runtime), where it should be uploaded
In the "Handler" field - enter "src/index.handler", where "src" is a project's folder "src" (if used), "index" - the name of the js-file, where the function is located, "handler" - a name of JavaScript funtion (in this example it is second part of "exports.handler")
Hit the button "Upload function" in the plugin form
Test the function - open the "Run Test" tab, hit the button "Run test of the function"