A simple tool to download a signers whole archive from wikiseda.com
Install via Composer:
composer global require satrobit/wikiseda
wikiseda search shadmehr
name | Description |
query | Search Query |
name | Description | Default Value |
type | Type of the result | artist |
page | Custom result page | 0 |
order | Custom result order | top |
| ID | Name | Albums | Tracks |
| 76 | Shadmehr | 26 | 970 |
| 13581 | Shadmehr Aghili | 0 | 3 |
| 12506 | Shadmehr Nasiri | 0 | 2 |
| 14824 | Shadmehr Jafari | 0 | 3 |
| 3793 | Shadmehr Jalali | 0 | 11 |
| 7857 | Shadmehr Barati | 0 | 1 |
| 22879 | Mohsen Shadmehr | 0 | 4 |
| 26192 | Shadmehr Jamali | 0 | 1 |
wikiseda artist 76
name | Description |
artist | Artist ID |
name | Description | Default Value |
type | Type of the result | album |
page | Custom result page | 0 |
order | Custom result order | top |
| ID | Album | Type | Date |
| 22707 | Tasvir | album | 2018-02-19 |
| 21861 | Tajrobeh Kon | album | 2016-12-19 |
| 5811 | Tarafdar | album | 2012-07-22 |
| 571 | Live In Concert Dubai | album | 2011-03-24 |
| 487 | Antique | album | 2010-03-19 |
| 230 | Taghdir | album | 2009-03-20 |
| 231 | Sebab | album | 2008-03-19 |
| 484 | Pop Corn | album | 2006-03-19 |
| 488 | Talafi | album | 2005-03-19 |
| 485 | Adam Forosh | album | 2004-03-18 |
| 476 | Dori Va Pashimani | album | 2003-03-19 |
| 5921 | Naghmehaye Mashreghi | album | 2002-03-19 |
| 497 | Khiali Nist | album | 2002-03-19 |
| 481 | Adamo Hava | album | 2001-03-19 |
| 2930 | Mashgh Sokoot | album | 2000-03-18 |
| 486 | Pare Parvaz | album | 2000-03-18 |
| 483 | Fariba | album | 2000-03-18 |
| 479 | Dehati | album | 1999-03-19 |
| 478 | Mosafer | album | 1998-03-19 |
| 482 | Bahare Man | album | 1997-03-19 |
| 20202 | Remix | album | 2014-09-24 |
| 6361 | VERJEN PIANO ALBUM PIANO | album | 2012-08-01 |
| 5920 | Albume Moshtarek | album | 1998-03-19 |
| 9869 | Rage Khaab | album | |
| 2929 | Sham Ghariban | album | |
wikiseda download 76
name | Description |
artist | Artist ID |
name | Description | Default Value |
output | Directory to store music files | output/ |
concurrent | Number of concurrent workers | 4 |
486/486 [============================] 100%
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option to find out about them.
This project is released under the MIT License.