Checking SystemVerilog IEEE-2023 synthesis capabilities and providing example synthesizable designs.
The focus of this repository is on the synthesizable features of SystemVerilog, where these features are often the evolving or advanced aspects of the language.
Knowing what features of SystemVerilog are supported for synthesis is key to writing code that works and does not present a problem late in the development cycle.
To this end, this repository goes directly to synthesis to verify the language constructs. The design target a low cost development board. While simulation is a primary aspect of FPGA development, verification with fully synthesized code is the only concrete answer as to the support of a given language feature.
The various advanced features are evaluated for IEEE 1800-2017 and 1800-2023. A relevant design guide is AMD UG901 document.
The features below will be tested in a top_level file, and various modules will be referenced corresponding to each category. Overall the approach is to have a single top_level file in which one case each feature tested.
Feature | Description | Passing |
classes | use of classes, wrapped in a package | passing |
types | passing parameters as types | passing |
fixed point format | use of bit[I:-Q] or logic[I:-Q] | passing |
tbd | new features of 1800-2023 |
A particular interest is clases, allowing for more Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach for synthesis with SystemVerilog. The AMD user guide UG901 advertises support classes, and this repository is a test platform for those features.
One advantage of classes is encapsulating code that handles bit widths as shown by the $clog2 function in the resolution of the data types uT and dT.
Consider the implementation of a heartbeat counter shown below comprised of an up counter for the frame, and a down counter for the duty cycle. These counters are implementing by referencing the class object from the package CounterPkg.
The handling of data types with the localparams uT and dT are local to the class and allow for great flexibility when instantiating the class, and the designer does not have to repeat this type of code in the higher level module instantiation. Note that there are functional programming aspect to handling the counters.
module heartbeat_with_classes(
input bit clk,
input bit reset,
output bit o_heartbeat
localparam types::u32 Modulo = 12_000_000;
localparam types::u32 Duty = 2_400_000;
localparam type uT = bit[$clog2(Modulo)-1:0];
localparam type dT = bit[$clog2(Duty)-1:0];
CounterPkg::UpCount #(.T(uT),.Modulo(Modulo)) frame_counter;
CounterPkg::DnCount #(.T(dT),.Modulo(Duty)) duty_counter;
always_ff@(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
else begin
if (frame_counter.flag) begin
if (duty_counter.value) duty_counter.decrement();
assign o_heartbeat = (duty_counter.value);
The code below shows how the UpCount class was wrapped in package called CounterPkg. This allows for the code above to work.
The upstream module can import with import CounterPkg::*, or one can use local bindings such as CounterPkg::UpCount() as in the code above.
package CounterPkg;
class UpCount #(parameter type T, parameter T Modulo = 0);
static T value;
static bit flag;
static T modulo = 0;
function new();
this.value = 0;
this.modulo = Modulo;
function void clear();
this.value = 0;
function void load(T load_value);
this.value = load_value;
function void increment();
this.flag = (this.value == this.modulo);
For this repsitory, validating the example design is done by targeting the Digilent CMODS7 board, as it is a low cost small form factor board that is generally available.
Steps to duplicate the design results :
git clone
The open Vivado and create a new project, adding the source files and constraint files in the repos. Upon RTL elaboration, the block diagram below should be displayed.