A home for the documentation and guides needed to work with Sauder LS, Canvas API Projects
- Computer Setup (start here if you are new to our projects)
- Getting & Managing Projects
- Environment Setup
- Running Scripts
- Updating the Environment
Use the documentation to get started if you are brand new
Throughout the documentation we have included 👷 as an indicator to follow along with setup-test. Watch out for our cautions
For your first time, we recommend using the following as a checklist as you read and walk through the docs. You will notice ✅ in each of the docs that correspond to the steps listed below in Part 1.
- Create a free GitHub Account
- Send a request to join the Saud-Learning-Services organization - email Alison or Marko who will add you to the ls-ops team
- Installing everything you need on your computer
- a) Download Anaconda Navigator (recommended for most)
- select the 64-Bit Graphical Installer for your operating system. Note that some older Windows computer may need to install the 32-Bit Graphical Installer (you can check here)
- b) Download GitHub Desktop
- c) Git (should be included in GitHub Desktop steps)
- a) Download Anaconda Navigator (recommended for most)
- Create a place for the projects to live:
- Clone your first repo - setup-test👷
- Read about an alternative way to clone a project.
- Read about Updating a Project (GitHub Desktop) -> note, because you are downloading the most recent version, there is nothing to do yet - but be aware that you should "Fetch origin" whenever you are using a script in the future (in case there are changes made).
- Create a project-specific environment for setup-test
- Run your first project
- try it using the project environment from setup-test By the end, you should be able to now clone any projects/repos that you need, and know how to run the associated Jupyter notebooks!
Once you have walked through the instructions above, and ran your first project (setup-test), you can get your computer ready for running ls-ops scripts.
- Review steps 1-4 above - have you installed everything, joined everything, and created your place for projects to live?
- Clone all of the saud-ls-ops projects into your new directory
- a) from https://github.com/saud-learning-services you can use the search for the tag "saud-ls-ops" or see Projects list below
- b) clone each of the projects into your folder
⚠️ Reminder how to clone: Cloning your first repo⚠️ make sure you have been added to the Saud-Learning-Services organization (step #2 above) or you may not see all of the projects.
- Set up the universal environment 🌎 which you can use to run any of the "saud-ls-ops" projects
- Try out the universal environment with the 👷 setup-test project
All projects listed below support the universal environment 🌎
- Canvas (Sauder) Semester Prep: Generates a CSV that summarizes all Canvas courses that fall under a provided term id and account id(s).
- Canvas Batch Change Dates: Batch change the start and end dates for courses listed in a CSV.
- Canvas Subaccount Movement: Moves any Sauder course into a specific Canvas sub-account. Upon providing the necessary input, the script will locate the appropriate sub-account, migrate the course to it, and produce a CSV file detailing the courses and the sub-accounts.
- Canvas Quiz Response PDFs: Pulls quiz data from Canvas to create PDF documents containing student answers to essay questions.
- Canvas Peer Reviews: Create CSV tables containing peer review data; summarizing all students who've been assigned as assessors, who they are assessing and the results of any completed assessments