Isomorphic reagent app with both server and client side rendering.
Note: This code is very alpha, use at your own risk.
Initial rendering happens with reagent on the server side in node, subsequent action render through reagent in the browser.
- Java 7 or better
- NodeJS - assumes the binary is named
Starts a web server on port 3000 with reagent rendering on the server side.
export DOCROOT="$(pwd)/target/dev"
infra/lein cljsbuild once dev node
infra/lein nodejs
On the server side, reagent-nodejs uses node along with express to server content. There were a couple of shims required to make it work:
- closure requires downloading the nodejs.js bootstrap code from the closure-library
- a copy of react.js needs to be present in the server's root directory
- javascript stubs - window.attachEvent, document.attachEvent, and XMLHttpRequest
- React var needs to be defined with the contents of react library
- Update to work with advanced mode compilation
- Figure out how Clojure shell out can write to stdout. Currently,
infra/lein nodejs
doesn't print anything