This project is part of SGHI ETL projects. Specifically, this is a collection of common implementations of the interfaces defined by the sghi-etl-core project as well as other useful utilities.
supports Python 3.11+.
To install the latest stable release, use:
pip install sghi-etl-commons@git+
To install the latest development version, use:
pip install sghi-etl-commons@git+
Example 1
Here is the famous hello-world version of SGHI ETL.
from sghi.etl.commons import *
wb = WorkflowBuilder[str, str](id="say_hello", name="Hello World")
def say_hello() -> str:
return "Hello, World!"
We start by importing the components needed to define an SGHI ETL workflow.
The package sghi.etl.commons
contains everything we need to define and run
simple SGHI ETL workflows. The WorkflowBuilder
class, as its name suggests,
is a helper for constructing SGHI ETL Workflows declaratively. We also have the
and sink
decorators. The source
decorator is used to mark or wrap
functions that supply data. The sink
decorator is used to mark or wrap
functions that consume data.
All SGHI ETL Workflows are required to have a unique identifier and a
name(preferably human-readable). In the example above, we create a
instance whose id
is say_hello
and whose name is
Hello World
. The generic type hints indicate that the created
instance accepts a source that produces a string and accepts
a sink that consumes a string. There are cases where you might have a sink that
produces one type and a sink that consumes a different type, but let us not get
ahead of ourselves.
In our example, we define a simple source that returns the string "Hello,
World!". We then add it to the WorkflowBuilder
instance using the
method. Next, we wrap the Python built-in print
function with the sink decorator thereby creating a suitable sink for our
workflow. This is then connected to the WorkflowBuilder
using the drain_to
method. Finally, we execute the workflow using the run_workflow
This causes the text "Hello, World!" to be printed.
Example 2
Working with large datasets.
import random
from import Iterable
from sghi.etl.commons import *
wb: WorkflowBuilder[Iterable[int], Iterable[int]]
wb = WorkflowBuilder(id="print_10_ints", name="Print 10 Integers")
def supply_ints() -> Iterable[int]:
for _ in range(10):
yield random.randint(0, 9)
def print_each(values: Iterable[int]) -> None:
for value in values:
This example builds on the previous example but uses streams of data instead of
single/scalar values.
The supply_ints
source could potentially produce millions of values,
but the workflow would remain memory efficient since it works with only one
value at a time.
Example 3
Complex workflows.
import random
from import Iterable, Sequence
from sghi.etl.commons import *
wb: WorkflowBuilder[Iterable[int], Sequence[str]]
wb = WorkflowBuilder(
name="Complex Workflow",
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def supply_ints() -> Iterable[int]:
for _ in range(10):
yield random.randint(0, 9)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_100(values: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]:
for v in values:
yield v + 100
def ints_as_strings(ints: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[str]:
yield from map(chr, ints)
def values_to_sequence(values: Iterable[str]) -> Sequence[str]:
return list(values)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_each(values: Sequence[str]) -> None:
for value in values:
def print_all(values: Sequence[str]) -> None:
print(f"[{", ".join(list(values))}]")
This example demonstrates how complex workflows can be constructed by combining
multiple components, namely sources, sinks, and processors. It also introduces
a new SGHI ETL Workflow component, the processor
. A processor
is applied to
data drawn from a source to transform it into a more suitable form before the
data is drained to a sink. Occasionally, a processor can output data of a
different type than it received, hence the two generic type hints on the
When multiple components of the same kind are added to the same workflow, they
form a composite component. In our example, the three processors are combined
to create a ProcessorPipe
, as indicated by the composite_processor_factory
constructor parameter of the WorkflowBuilder
class. A ProcessorPipe
data through its child processors, similar to the UNIX pipe. That is, the output
of one child processor is passed as the input to the next one.
The two sinks are combined to form a ScatterSink
, as indicated by the
constructor parameter of the WorkflowBuilder
A ScatterSink
drains (the same) data to its child sinks concurrently. There
exist other composite processors, sinks, and even sources. You can also build
your own.
Finally, this example illustrates that we can define a workflow by decorating
workflow components using specific methods of a WorkflowBuilder
Note that the names of these methods are in the third-person singular form.
Clone the project and run the following command to install dependencies:
cd sghi-etl-commons
pip install -e .[dev,test,docs]
# Set up pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
To run tests and lint the project, make sure you have installed the test
optional dependencies:
cd sghi-etl-commons
pip install -e .[test]
tox -e py
# Alternatively, you can run the following commands directly:
# ruff check .
# ruff format --check .
# pyright .
# pytest .
The documentation uses Sphinx:
cd sghi-etl-commons
pip install -e .[docs]
tox -e docs
# Serve the docs
python -m http.server -d docs/build/html
Copyright (c) 2024, Savannah Informatics Global Health Institute