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πŸŒ€ A simple tailwindcss plugin to ease work with Google's Material Symbols icons.

Live demo

See live demo on how the plugin works.


Install the plugin using npm

npm i -D @savaryna/tailwindcss-material-symbols

or pnpm, etc.

pnpm add -D @savaryna/tailwindcss-material-symbols

Add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...

Follow Google's guide on how to add Material Symbols to your page. For example you could just add a link tag to your pages head.


Basic usage

Now you can use the base class icon to style elements as Material Symbols.


The base class can be changed by passing a baseClass option to the plugin. In that case use your custom base class instead of icon. See changing the default base class for more information.

<span class="icon">star</span>

Choosing the font

The plugin includes a modifier class for each Material Symbols font family, so you can easily choose what symbol style to use.


All modifier classes need to be used together with the base class. Always include the base class when using a modifier class.

<span class="icon icon-rounded">star</span>
<!-- `icon` is the base class, and          -->
<!-- `icon-rounded` is the modifier class   -->

Here you can see how the base class icon was used together with the icon-rounded modifier which sets the font family to the Rounded variant.

Classes you can use with the default config:

Class Font family
icon-outlined (default) 'Material Symbols Outlined'
icon-rounded 'Material Symbols Rounded'
icon-sharp 'Material Symbols Sharp'

Choosing the weight

Weight modifiers allow you to adjust the weight of the symbols stroke. Read more here.

<span class="icon icon-700">star</span>

Classes you can use with the default config:

Class Font weight
icon-100 100
icon-200 200
icon-300 300
icon-400 (default) 400
icon-500 500
icon-600 600
icon-700 700

These can be animated using transitions.

<span class="icon transition-all hover:icon-700">star</span>

Choosing the fill

Fill modifiers allow you to choose if your symbol is filled or not. Read more here.

Classes you can use with the default config:

Class Font fill
icon-nofill (default) 0
icon-filled 1

These can be animated using transitions.

  <input type="checkbox" class="peer hidden" />
  <span class="peer:checked:icon-filled icon transition-all">star</span>

Choosing the grade

Grade modifiers allow you to choose the weight of the symbols in a more granular way. A lower value is recommended to be used on darker backgrounds. Read more here.

Classes you can use with the default config:

Class Font grade
icon-dark -25
icon-normal (default) 0
icon-emphasis 200

These can be animated using transitions.

Choosing the optical size

Optical size modifiers allow you to choose the size of the symbols. In addition to changing the symbol size this also changes the stroke weight as the symbol scales. Read more here.

Classes you can use with the default config:

Class Font optical size
icon-20 20
icon-24 (default) 24
icon-40 40
icon-48 48

These can be animated using transitions.

With pseudo elements

You can use the plugin with Tailwind CSS pseudo elements to add icons using css content.

  className="after:icon after:content-['arrow\_drop\_down'] after:absolute after:right-2 ..."
  <select className="...">

Animating font properties

You can use Tailwind CSS classes to animate the font properties. You can animate the weight, fill, grade, optical size and other element features. Read more about using transitions and animations in the tailwindcss documentation. You can also find more information on Google's developer guide for Material Symbols.

Here are a few examples:
transition-all icon group-hover:icon-700
transition-all icon group-hover:icon-filled
transition-all icon group-hover:icon-emphasis

Customizing the plugin

Changing the default base class

If you want to use a base class other than icon, you can do so using the baseClass option when registering the plugin:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    // ...
  plugins: [
      baseClass: 'symbol',

Now you can use your custom symbol base class where you'd use the default base class:

<span class="symbol symbol-rounded">star</span>

Changing the default styles and classes

If you want to customize what modifier classes and values get generated, or change the DEFAULT's you can also extend or override the materialSymbols key in your theme config.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    materialSymbols: {
      weight: {
        DEFAULT: '700',
      opticalSize: {
        sm: '20',
  plugins: [

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