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Dynamically build responsive layouts in React

react-resp is a React library that provides a set of utility components to dynamically build responsive layouts

🛠️ Install

Using npm

npm i react-resp

🔗 Usage

react-resp exports multiple components. These components have the name of the viewports they bind to, named <[Viewport]>, as well their inverse, named <Not[Viewport]>.

One such component is called <Mobile>, and it's inverse is <NotMobile>

Below are some examples to get you started:

Strict Viewports only

Using the syntax below, you can dynamically render specific components/elements for a given viewport, based on current viewport specified

import { Mobile, Tablet, Laptop } from 'react-resp'

const Navbar = () => {
  <nav className="navbar">
      <div className="navbar-description">
        <Mobile>Mobile: Short Description</Mobile>
        <Tablet>Tablet: Slightly longer description on a tablet screen</Tablet>
          Laptop: A very long description that is displayed on laptop screens and has a lot of words

Strict and Exceptional "Not" Viewports

By using a combination of <[Viewport]> and <Not[Viewport]>, you can dynamically render specific components on a single viewport of your choice, and render something else on all other viewport except the one you've already targeted

import { Mobile, NotMobile } from 'react-resp'

const Navbar = () => {
  <nav className="navbar">
    <div className="navbar-description">
      <Mobile>Mobile: Short Description</Mobile>
        Tablet and Laptop: A description that is displayed on all viewports except mobile

This approach could useful in various practical situations. For example, if you wanted to render all navbar links on tablet and laptop devices, but display a hamburger icon on mobile, you could this library to accomplish your task



  • Available viewports
Viewport Targeted Breakpoints
<Mobile> x <= 640px
<Tablet> 640px <= x <= 1024px
<Laptop> x >= 1024px


  • Available viewports
Viewport Targeted Breakpoints
<NotMobile> x >= 640px
<NotTablet> x <= 640px and x >= 1024px
<NotLaptop> x <= 1024px

These breakpoints have been borrowed from Tailwind's Responsive Design docs`

Custom viewports coming soon

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