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toots committed Dec 28, 2024
1 parent 44a63ce commit 5813f3e
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Showing 12 changed files with 507 additions and 773 deletions.
21 changes: 6 additions & 15 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,11 +69,10 @@ let process () =
let process, info, comments =
if not !ogg then (
let h = Flac.Decoder.File.create_from_fd write fd in
let h = Flac.Decoder.File.create_from_fd ~write fd in
let process () =
Flac.Decoder.process h.Flac.Decoder.File.dec
Flac.Decoder.state h.Flac.Decoder.File.dec h.Flac.Decoder.File.callbacks
Flac.Decoder.process h.Flac.Decoder.File.dec;
Flac.Decoder.state h.Flac.Decoder.File.dec
(process,, h.Flac.Decoder.File.comments))
else (
Expand All @@ -96,19 +95,11 @@ let process () =
let page = sync in
if Ogg.Page.serialno page = serial then Ogg.Stream.put_page os page
let callbacks = Flac_ogg.Decoder.get_callbacks os write in
let dec = Flac.Decoder.create callbacks in
let rec info () =
try Flac.Decoder.init dec callbacks
with Ogg.Not_enough_data ->
fill ();
info ()
let dec, info, meta = info () in
let dec, info, meta = Flac_ogg.Decoder.create ~fill ~write os in
let rec process () =
Flac.Decoder.process dec callbacks;
Flac.Decoder.state dec callbacks
Flac.Decoder.process dec;
Flac.Decoder.state dec
with Ogg.Not_enough_data -> (
fill ();
Expand Down
16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,13 +74,9 @@ let _ =
let encode, finish =
if not !ogg then (
let enc = Flac.Encoder.File.create ~comments params !dst in
let encode buf =
Flac.Encoder.process enc.Flac.Encoder.File.enc
enc.Flac.Encoder.File.callbacks buf
let encode buf = Flac.Encoder.process enc.Flac.Encoder.File.enc buf in
let finish () =
Flac.Encoder.finish enc.Flac.Encoder.File.enc
Flac.Encoder.finish enc.Flac.Encoder.File.enc;
Unix.close enc.Flac.Encoder.File.fd
(encode, finish))
Expand All @@ -91,12 +87,12 @@ let _ =
output_string oc body
let serialno = Random.nativeint Nativeint.max_int in
let { Flac_ogg.Encoder.encoder; callbacks; first_pages } =
Flac_ogg.Encoder.create ~comments ~serialno params write_page
let { Flac_ogg.Encoder.encoder; first_pages } =
Flac_ogg.Encoder.create ~comments ~serialno ~write:write_page params
List.iter write_page first_pages;
let encode = Flac.Encoder.process encoder callbacks in
let finish () = Flac.Encoder.finish encoder callbacks in
let encode = Flac.Encoder.process encoder in
let finish () = Flac.Encoder.finish encoder in
(encode, finish))
let start = Unix.time () in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(name flac)
(public_name flac)
(synopsis "OCaml bindings for libflac")
(modules flac flac_impl)
(modules flac)
(libraries unix)
(language c)
Expand Down
241 changes: 240 additions & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,240 @@
include Flac_impl
* Copyright 2003-2011 Savonet team
* This file is part of Ocaml-flac.
* Ocaml-flac is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Ocaml-flac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Ocaml-flac; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

(* Author; Romain Beauxis <> *)

exception Internal

let () = Callback.register_exception "flac_exn_internal" Internal

module Decoder = struct
type t

(** Possible states of a decoder. *)
type state =
[ `Search_for_metadata
| `Read_metadata
| `Search_for_frame_sync
| `Read_frame
| `End_of_stream
| `Ogg_error
| `Seek_error
| `Aborted
| `Memory_allocation_error
| `Uninitialized ]

exception Lost_sync
exception Bad_header
exception Frame_crc_mismatch
exception Unparseable_stream
exception Not_flac

let () =
Callback.register_exception "flac_dec_exn_lost_sync" Lost_sync;
Callback.register_exception "flac_dec_exn_bad_header" Bad_header;
Callback.register_exception "flac_dec_exn_crc_mismatch" Frame_crc_mismatch;
Callback.register_exception "flac_dec_exn_unparseable_stream"

type info = {
sample_rate : int;
channels : int;
bits_per_sample : int;
total_samples : int64;
md5sum : string;

type comments = string * (string * string) list
type comments_array = string * string array

external info : t -> info * comments_array option = "ocaml_flac_decoder_info"

let split_comment comment =
let equal_pos = String.index_from comment 0 '=' in
let c1 = String.uppercase_ascii (String.sub comment 0 equal_pos) in
let c2 =
String.sub comment (equal_pos + 1)
(String.length comment - equal_pos - 1)
(c1, c2)
with Not_found -> (comment, "")

let _comments cmts =
match cmts with
| None -> None
| Some (vd, cmts) ->
Some (vd, Array.to_list ( split_comment cmts))

let info x =
let info, comments = info x in
(info, _comments comments)
with Internal -> raise Not_flac

external alloc :
seek:(int64 -> unit) option ->
tell:(unit -> int64) option ->
length:(unit -> int64) option ->
eof:(unit -> bool) option ->
read:(bytes -> int -> int -> int) ->
write:(float array array -> unit) ->
unit ->
t = "ocaml_flac_decoder_alloc_bytecode" "ocaml_flac_decoder_alloc_native"

external cleanup : t -> unit = "ocaml_flac_cleanup_decoder"
external init : t -> unit = "ocaml_flac_decoder_init"

let create ?seek ?tell ?length ?eof ~read ~write () =
let dec = alloc ~seek ~tell ~length ~eof ~read ~write () in
Gc.finalise cleanup dec;
init dec;
let info, comments = info dec in
(dec, info, comments)

external state : t -> state = "ocaml_flac_decoder_state"
external process : t -> unit = "ocaml_flac_decoder_process"
external seek : t -> Int64.t -> bool = "ocaml_flac_decoder_seek"
external flush : t -> bool = "ocaml_flac_decoder_flush"
external reset : t -> bool = "ocaml_flac_decoder_reset"
external to_s16le : float array array -> string = "caml_flac_float_to_s16le"

module File = struct
type handle = {
fd : Unix.file_descr;
dec : t;
info : info;
comments : (string * (string * string) list) option;

let create_from_fd ~write fd =
let read = fd in
let seek n =
let n = Int64.to_int n in
ignore (Unix.lseek fd n Unix.SEEK_SET)
let tell () = Int64.of_int (Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_CUR) in
let length () =
let stats = Unix.fstat fd in
Int64.of_int stats.Unix.st_size
let eof () =
let stats = Unix.fstat fd in
Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_CUR = stats.Unix.st_size
let dec, info, comments =
create ~seek ~tell ~length ~eof ~write ~read ()
{ fd; comments; dec; info }

let create ~write filename =
let fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o640 in
try create_from_fd ~write fd
with e ->
Unix.close fd;
raise e

module Encoder = struct
type priv

type params = {
channels : int;
bits_per_sample : int;
sample_rate : int;
compression_level : int option;
total_samples : int64 option;

type comments = (string * string) list
type t = priv * params

exception Invalid_data
exception Invalid_metadata

let () =
Callback.register_exception "flac_enc_exn_invalid_metadata" Invalid_metadata

external vorbiscomment_entry_name_is_legal : string -> bool
= "ocaml_flac_encoder_vorbiscomment_entry_name_is_legal"

external vorbiscomment_entry_value_is_legal : string -> bool
= "ocaml_flac_encoder_vorbiscomment_entry_value_is_legal"

external alloc :
(string * string) array ->
seek:(int64 -> unit) option ->
tell:(unit -> int64) option ->
write:(bytes -> unit) ->
params ->
priv = "ocaml_flac_encoder_alloc"

external cleanup : priv -> unit = "ocaml_flac_cleanup_encoder"
external init : priv -> unit = "ocaml_flac_encoder_init"

let create ?(comments = []) ?seek ?tell ~write p =
if p.channels <= 0 then raise Invalid_data;
let comments = Array.of_list comments in
let enc = alloc comments ~seek ~tell ~write p in
Gc.finalise cleanup enc;
init enc;
(enc, p)

external process : priv -> float array array -> int -> unit
= "ocaml_flac_encoder_process"

let process (enc, p) data =
if Array.length data <> p.channels then raise Invalid_data;
process enc data p.bits_per_sample

external finish : priv -> unit = "ocaml_flac_encoder_finish"

let finish (enc, _) = finish enc

external from_s16le : string -> int -> float array array
= "caml_flac_s16le_to_float"

module File = struct
type handle = { fd : Unix.file_descr; enc : t }

let create_from_fd ?comments params fd =
let write s =
let len = Bytes.length s in
let rec f pos =
if pos < len then (
let ret = Unix.write fd s pos (len - pos) in
f (pos + ret))
f 0
let seek n =
let n = Int64.to_int n in
ignore (Unix.lseek fd n Unix.SEEK_SET)
let tell () = Int64.of_int (Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_CUR) in
let enc = create ?comments ~seek ~tell ~write params in
{ fd; enc }

let create ?comments params filename =
let fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_RDWR] 0o640 in
create_from_fd ?comments params fd

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