This is my solution to the Ping Single Column Coming Soon Page Challenge on Frontend Mentor. It is a responsive single-column coming soon page for Ping, featuring a subscription form with client-side email validation, built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Users can:
- View the optimal layout for the page across different device sizes.
- See hover states for interactive elements.
- Submit their email address using the input field.
- Receive error messages if:
- The
field is empty. ("It looks like you forgot to add your email") - The email address is incorrectly formatted. ("Please provide a valid email address")
- The
- Live Site URL: Live Site
- Semantic HTML5 Markup
- CSS with TailwindCSS
- Flexbox
- Mobile-First Workflow
- JavaScript for Form Validation
- SweetAlert2 for Notification Popups
This project provided a great opportunity to strengthen my understanding of modern frontend development practices. Here are the key concepts and techniques I learned:
I improved my ability to write semantic HTML by using meaningful tags like <header>
, <main>
, and <footer>
for better accessibility and structure. I also learned the importance of attributes like aria-label
for screen readers to enhance the user experience.
- Using utility-first CSS classes in TailwindCSS allowed me to focus on functionality without writing custom CSS from scratch.
- I learned to implement responsive designs by leveraging Tailwind’s
, andxl
breakpoints, ensuring the layout adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes.
class="container flex flex-col w-[90%] md:w-[55%] lg:w-1/2 xl:w-2/5"
- Gained experience in building functional forms with proper validation using HTML attributes like
. - Learned to display dynamic error messages using JavaScript and the importance of user-friendly feedback mechanisms.
- Used SweetAlert2 for enhanced feedback with stylish alert popups.
function validateEmail(email) {
const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
return emailRegex.test(email);
- Explored the use of
states to improve the user experience, such as changing button colors or social media icons on hover. - Used JavaScript to dynamically toggle CSS classes for interactive behavior like showing/hiding error messages.
- Ensured accessibility by including
attributes for images andaria-label
for links. - Tested the site for keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers.
- Implemented
for images, which helps defer the loading of images until they’re needed, improving the page’s performance on slower networks.
<img loading="lazy" src="./dist/assets/logo.svg" alt="PING Logo" />
- Integrated social media links effectively using accessible
tags and icons from Font Awesome. - Learned to enhance interactivity with hover states for a visually appealing design.
aria-label="Facebook Profile"
class="border border-solid flex items-center justify-center rounded-full w-12 h-12 hover:bg-[#748ece] group"
class="fa-brands fa-facebook-f fa-lg text-[#748ece] group-hover:text-white"
- Experimented with different fonts using Google Fonts and explored how font weight and color can be used to create a visual hierarchy.
- Explored a variety of TailwindCSS utilities, including
, and more, to quickly prototype and refine designs. - Used drop shadows and color utilities for polished and modern UI elements.
class="w-full lg:w-2/5 py-4 bg-primary-blue hover:bg-neutral-veryDarkBlue text-white rounded-full drop-shadow-xl"
Notify Me
- Designed with a mobile-first approach to ensure the site performs well on smaller devices before scaling up to larger screens.
- Employed media queries effectively to adjust layout and styles for tablets and desktops.
These learnings have significantly improved my ability to design, style, and enhance web pages while focusing on user experience, performance, and maintainability. This project was an excellent opportunity to practice combining design and functionality in a modern development environment.
In future projects, I aim to:
- Dive deeper into TailwindCSS utility classes for creating reusable components.
- Experiment with advanced form handling techniques, such as integrating backend services for storing submissions.
- Incorporate accessibility improvements to enhance user experience.
- TailwindCSS Documentation - Comprehensive guide for utility-first CSS.
- SweetAlert2 Documentation - Easy-to-use popup library for alerts and notifications.
- GitHub: @sayaliakbar
- LinkedIn: @sayaliakbar
Special thanks to Frontend Mentor for providing a challenging yet enjoyable project. Inspiration was drawn from community solutions.