Releases: sbrunner/scan-to-paperless
Releases · sbrunner/scan-to-paperless
[1.26.0] - 2023-11-01
- #1139 - a step in the Jupyter notebook to define the background color - @sbrunner
- #1123 - and fix missing image copy - @sbrunner
- #1024 - support for uploading documents via REST API - @emdioh
- #1119 - some documentation in the Jupyter notebook - @sbrunner
- #1116 - error message in status on exception - @sbrunner
- 7edadb - information about the curent process code in the status page - @sbrunner
- c1dd03 - retry test - @sbrunner
- c35d4e - more messages - @sbrunner
- #1071 - assisted split in status - @sbrunner
- #1070 - some more information about the generated images - @sbrunner
- #1068 - a read more button - @sbrunner
- #1054 - test for the status page - @sbrunner
- 4b573a - missing endif - @sbrunner
- 5f9218 - codes an consume files - @sbrunner
- 7002b9 - link on files - @sbrunner
- bba97d - images number - @sbrunner
- 8af086 - missing set in Jinja template - @sbrunner
- 83b877 - logo - @sbrunner
- 6c0e24 - logo - @sbrunner
- 5cadb4 - missing return - @sbrunner
- 1bc088 - start time messages - @sbrunner
- #1040 - global status and generated date - @sbrunner
- #1038 - a status page - @sbrunner
- #1022 - a flag to disable REMOVE_TO_CONTINUE files - @emdioh
- #1023 - docker compose's override to .gitignore - @emdioh
- #989 - pre-commit hooks - @sbrunner
- #986 - vulnerabilities rules in Renovate configuration - @sbrunner
- #959 - diff after pre-commit - @sbrunner
- #1185 - CI updates - @sbrunner
- 01dc01 - Just the branch name - @sbrunner
- 4ac5dc - Set the CI upgrade configuration for the matchStabilizationBranches - @sbrunner
- #1183 - CI updates - @sbrunner
- 04a718 - Also rebuild master - @sbrunner
- #1152 - Set again instead of display - @sbrunner
- #1151 - Typo in Jupyter notebook - @sbrunner
- #1150 - Do the level correction before the mask initialization - @sbrunner
- #1148 - Cleaner reload - @sbrunner
- #1147 - Better status open - @sbrunner
- #1144 - Get the schema branch from an environment variable - @sbrunner
- #1145 - Status intro collapse - @sbrunner
- #1142 - Split the mask step - @sbrunner
- #1146 - Automatically reload the page - @sbrunner
- #1143 - Save the new configuration - @sbrunner
- #1133 - Remove auto_ - @sbrunner
- #1132 - Typo - @sbrunner
- #1130 - Test the generated Jupyter notebook - @sbrunner
- #1124 - Remove unneeded copy - @sbrunner
- #1122 - Jupyter continue - @sbrunner
- #1121 - Little changes for Jupyter notebook - @sbrunner
- #1118 - Display a part of the image - @sbrunner
- c5d108 - Do the config update - @sbrunner
- #1101 - Create a Jupiter notebook to easily debug the process - @sbrunner
- #1114 - Convert old config - @sbrunner
- #1110 - Refactorization of the args configuration - @sbrunner
- 63a28f - Remove No c2cciutils on master branch in Renovate config - @sbrunner
- #1088 - Process the codes - @sbrunner
- #1085 - Better steps - @sbrunner
- c0fbef - Generate expected status image - @sbrunner
- #1081 - Use the status in the process - @sbrunner
- #1079 - Select possessing folder - @sbrunner
- #1077 - Use datetime to generate the base folder - @sbrunner
- #1078 - Build faster - @sbrunner
- 5bb20a - Typo - @sbrunner
- #1073 - Improve the error in status - @sbrunner
- [#1072](
[1.25.0] - 2023-02-09
- #936 - pre commits hooks - @sbrunner
- #891 - missing audit workflow - @sbrunner
- #873 - workflow to delete old workflow runs - @sbrunner
- #871 - install introduction in the readme - @sbrunner
- 996d98 - install introduction in the readme - @sbrunner
- #1168 - Snyk auto fix - @sbrunner
- #956 - New Release - @sbrunner
- #953 - Do the pull request at the end of the day - @sbrunner
- #952 - Do the pull request at the end of the day - @sbrunner
- #919 - changelog generation tool, move ti the the GitHub release - @sbrunner
- #918 - Create the pull request for Snyk fix with the gs bot user - @sbrunner
- #913 - Configure Mend Bolt - @sbrunner
- #907 - Removes poetry-core dependency - @sbrunner
- #895 - Upgrade deprecated set-output commands - @sbrunner
- #894 - Snyk auto fix - @github-actions[bot]
- #893 - Set Git config in audit workflow - @sbrunner
- #892 - Remove set local environment variables - @sbrunner
- #883 - Create or update a Poetry group for Renovate - @sbrunner
- 53b5ea - Remove packages versions - @sbrunner
- 588894 - Upgrade c2cciutils - @sbrunner
- #938 - the license file - @sbrunner
- #934 - pull requests check workflow, use our CI token - @sbrunner
- #899 - CVE - @sbrunner
- #879 - repository in workflow used to delete old workflow runs - @sbrunner
- #878 - repository in workflow used to delete old workflow runs - @sbrunner
- bde161 - Docker publish - @sbrunner
- cf3009 - publisg Docker image - @sbrunner
- #852 - the get config in changelog workflow - @sbrunner
- 0dce1e - the get config in changelog workflow - @sbrunner
- 80491e - for new version of pikepdf - @sbrunner
- #932 - - @kugelzucker
- #928 - Poetry (test) - @sbrunner
- #927 - all patch versions (test) (patch) - @sbrunner
- #905 - dependency poetry-core to v1.4.0 (test) - @sbrunner
- #860 - dependency matplotlib to v3.6.1 - @sbrunner
- d3b650 - dependency matplotlib to v3.6.1 - @renovate-bot
- @github-actions[bot]
- @kugelzucker
- @renovate-bot
- @sbrunner
Generated by Automation
[1.24.0] - 2022-09-21
- #828 - the global requirements file to be scanned with Snyk - @sbrunner
- #822 - the changelog generation cache in Git ignore - @sbrunner
- #815 - rule to assisted split images - @sbrunner
- #795 - mask in detected content - @sbrunner
- #794 - an histogram in log - @sbrunner
- #786 - histogram image - @sbrunner
- #781 - missing color cut call - @sbrunner
- #770 - black and white cut - @sbrunner
- #762 - more test cases for auto mask creation - @sbrunner
- #756 - more documentation in the mode argument - @sbrunner
- #752 - auto cut to be able to definitively mask the original image - @sbrunner
- #745 - missing default - @sbrunner
- #739 - spell on the pull request title - @sbrunner
- #734 - same code on multiple page support - @sbrunner
- #724 - zxing support for QR code - @sbrunner
- #721 - pngquant - @sbrunner
- #713 - codes metadata - @sbrunner
- #712 - vertical bar on empty lines to be able to reconstitute the code - @sbrunner
- #708 - some logs on processing codes - @sbrunner
- #707 - error handling 22fb5b6 - Fix destination file name - @sbrunner
- #700 - QR bill support, better detect QR code - @sbrunner
- #690 - a page with the QRCodes and BarCodes - @sbrunner
- #688 - more intermadiate files - @sbrunner
- #684 - generated changelog - @sbrunner
- #683 - optipng, color, select optimizer - @sbrunner
- 3b54f3 - missing poetry package - @sbrunner
- 7c4006 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/test' - @sbrunner
- 5749e0 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/test' - @sbrunner
- 36c49f - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/test' - @sbrunner
- #849 - Schedule Renovate on early saturday - @sbrunner
- 0080e5 - Typo - @sbrunner
- 6cffae - Increase the timeout - @sbrunner
- ff5c46 - Group Poetry dependency - @sbrunner
- c0cb4a - Group Poetry dependency - @sbrunner
- 5918c9 - Use matchPackageNames - @sbrunner
- ce323b - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- 739217 - Separate Poetry dependency in one pull request - @sbrunner
- 218660 - Separate Poetry dependency in one pull request - @sbrunner
- #829 - [Snyk] Security upgrade poetry-core from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0a7 - @snyk-bot
- #824 - Clean all the images already present in the image given by GitHub - @sbrunner
- #819 - Remove Dependabot configuration - @sbrunner
- #803 - Better line detection - @sbrunner
- #804 - Use c2cwsgiutils to check the images - @sbrunner
- #802 - More neutral defaults - @sbrunner
- #793 - Use Tesseract 5 - @sbrunner
- #784 - Also work on missing mask file - @sbrunner
- #779 - The config is optional - @sbrunner
- #778 - Use the default from the jsonschema - @sbrunner
- #773 - Be able to run process on one config file - @sbrunner
- #772 - We can't save a file, where is opend in round-trip mode, in safe mode - @sbrunner
- #771 - Use temporary files to do the finalize - @sbrunner
- #765 - Make the creator working with Paperless - @sbrunner
- #766 - Move the jpeg conversion to the progress part - @sbrunner
- #763 - Use a newer version of Tesseract - @sbrunner
- #768 - Disable the Renovate concurrent limit - @sbrunner
- #753 - Limit the skew angle detection - @sbrunner
- #755 - Be able to extends one config - @sbrunner
- #751 - Use better pngquant options - @sbrunner
- #748 - Combine auto_mask and mask file - @sbrunner
- #750 - Remove the experimental mode - @sbrunner
- #747 - Save more progress images - @sbrunner
- #746 - Don't take care on REMOVE_TO_CONTINUE and DONE on reren step - @sbrunner
- #740 - Automatically creates a mask from a color range of the source image - @sbrunner
- #743 - Process a tiff file - @sbrunner
- [#68...
[1.23.0] - 2022-06-06
- 868e74 - requirements file - @sbrunner
- 279e2e - missing DOCKER_BUILDKIT option - @sbrunner
- 5c52ae - to publish master on latest - @sbrunner
- 5d45f8 - to publish master on latest - @sbrunner
- 009fbd - minor versions - @sbrunner
- #354 - preset - @sbrunner
- #352 - get config - @sbrunner
- 110b7f - waiting message, remove some loop sleep - @sbrunner
- fbf4dd - min black to determine if a content box is valid - @sbrunner
- 77ee44 - crop status image - @sbrunner
- c8bc8e - changelog - @sbrunner
- 0928be - one page mode, introduce the concept of mode - @sbrunner
- d6f8ad - typing, JSON schema and documentation - @sbrunner
- f0f35b - missing if - @sbrunner
- c07bfc - environement variables - @sbrunner
- a2f9df - check - @sbrunner
- 2847eb - dependabot - @sbrunner
- #20 - mask, test empty - @sbrunner
- #19 - credit card test - @sbrunner
- #9 - a prefix in the split detection - @sbrunner
- #4 - coverage - @sbrunner
- #3 - progress and experimental tests - @sbrunner
- 764c1e - missing python packages - @sbrunner
- dbcc5a - image assisted split - @sbrunner
- 77854d - --overwrite option to unpaper - @sbrunner
- 62feaf - missing unpaper directory - @sbrunner
- 5498da - autosplit test - @sbrunner
- 6f4a27 - test defferent scantailor - @sbrunner
- 7a3b57 - OMP_THREAD_LIMIT=1 - @sbrunner
- 2d77ad - some debbuging logs - @sbrunner
- cbf450 - missing continue - @sbrunner
- 45fe6b - code block - @sbrunner
- 4d88a0 - nice features in the readme - @sbrunner
- 06423d - synology aon autocomplete files - @sbrunner
- bd922c - missing decode - @sbrunner
- 753d09 - intermediate error, simplify error yaml file - @sbrunner
- 64af45 - traceback - @sbrunner
- 1f7156 - status - @sbrunner
- 8f9bcc - some logs - @sbrunner
- a7b273 - scan - @sbrunner
- c4ce43 - welcome message - @sbrunner
- 68669b - deskew, some optimisations - @sbrunner
- 38c0fd - TODO - @sbrunner
- bfec33 - unpaper and deskew - @sbrunner
- 4026cf - docker-compose - @sbrunner
- 77512c - stored images - @sbrunner
- 7ecaa3 - copy file and destination - @sbrunner
- 95c781 - waiting loop - @sbrunner
- 75118f - Upgrade packages from base image - @sbrunner
- 967688 - Format Dockerfile - @sbrunner
- f67bab - Use bump from poetry - @sbrunner
- 396f68 - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- f584d5 - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- 74818c - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- 09456f - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- 2389b4 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/test' - @sbrunner
- ddb6fa - Fiy typo in the readme - @sbrunner
- f7a9fe - [skip ci] Bump Version -
- 3e834e - **[skip c...