Get the estimated value of an address from Redfin and Zillow every night and store the result.
Redfin and Zillow both give you an estimate of the current market value of your home. That estimate is given to the nearest dollar (!) and comes with a chart that claims to be the history of that estimate. That historical chart is a lie. The estimate for today bounces around a lot, but they retcon the history to pretend it doesn't. The precision of today's estimate and the smoothness of the chart make the estimate look ridiculously trustworthy. This scraper captures the bouncing, which gives you a good idea how much to trust the current value (probably good to 10-20% at most).
See data.csv
and data.png
for example output for
594 S Mapleton Dr, Los
(not my house, maybe I should stop giving away my elite scraping code for free).
This repository uses the git scraping pattern, i.e. GitHub actions run a cron job, and git stores the version controlled output of that cron job.
Sign up for scraperapi and make a note of your API key. The free account is enough to get started.
Make a copy of this repository, e.g. using the template.
Under Settings > Secrets, configure environment variables containing the URLs of the address on Redfin and Zillow and your ScraperBox key:
, e.g.
, e.g.
, e.g.abcdefqwert12345
The scraping job runs every day at 5am UTC. Come back in 24 hours and you should
find data.csv
in your repository. Come back a few days later and you
should see the beginnings of a chart in data.png
Alternatively, you can run the scraping job manually as often as you like by clicking "Run workflow" under Actions > scrape on GitHub.
Clone the repository, export REDFIN_URL
and run python
. You probably won't need scraperapi if you're running
this from a home internet connection, in which case simply don't set
To add a new site:
- add an entry in
- set
to the xpath containing the piece of data you want to collect - export the
environment variable, where<NAME>
should be replaced with the upper case version of the"name"
field in sites.json. - if you want to keep the history in
manually edit its header to add the new site (otherwisedata.csv
will be overwritten with an empty table).
- The Zillow scraper doesn't work if the house is on the market. The page layout changes and I can't figure out the xpath. PRs welcome.