Repository for Public Information Platform: SemarangGo.
Here is a list of all the core technologies this project use:
- yarn -- Package manager
- TypeScript
- React -- JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- react-router-dom
- axios
- Next.js
├── assets # Uncompiled assets such as images, or fonts
├── atoms # State management with Recoil
├── components # all the reusable components used in application
├── containers # stateful components that connect to the global state or external APIs
├── models # Typescript model
├── pages # Application views and routes
├── services # implementation of external APIs and other business logic
├── styles # styling variables
├── utils # utility functions used throughout the application
└── variable # Variable which use globally
- src/pages/index.tsx -> /
- src/pages/posts/index.tsx -> /posts
- src/pages/posts/topic.tsx -> /posts/topic
- src/pages/settings/profile.tsx -> /settings/profile
- src/pages/posts/[slug].tsx -> /posts/:slug
- src/pages/[user]/settings.tsx -> /:user/settings
- src/pages/posts/[...all].tsx -> /posts/*
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
Run dev server:
yarn dev
You can run type-checking in watch mode in another terminal, if you may:
yarn type-check --watch
yarn test
To generate the production version, you can run:
yarn build
All files you have to deploy will be located at the dist
To check if everything will be ok in production before the deployment, you can run this command after yarn build
yarn preview
- Javscript
- JavaScript Style Guide
- React Hooks cheat sheet
- Learn CSS
- Learn HTML
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.