Prof: Michael Schatz (mschatz @
TA: Matthew Nguyen (mnguye99 @
Class Hours: Monday + Wednesday @ 3:00p - 4:15p Hodson 316
Schatz Office Hours: By appointment
Nguyen Office Hours: TBD and by appointment
The primary goal of the course is for students to be grounded in the fundamental theory and applications to leave the course empowered to conduct independent genomic analyses. We will study the leading computational and quantitative approaches for comparing and analyzing genomes starting from raw sequencing data. The course will focus on human genomics and human medical applications, but the techniques will be broadly applicable across the tree of life. The topics will include genome assembly & comparative genomics, variant identification & analysis, gene expression & regulation, personal genome analysis, and cancer genomics. A major focus will be on deep learning and machine learning to tackle these problems. The grading will be based on assignments, a midterm exam, class presentations, and a significant class project. There are no formal course prerequisites, although the course will require familiarity with UNIX scripting and/or programming to complete the assignments and course project.
- Online introduction to Unix/Linux. Students are strongly recommended to complete one of the following online tutorials (or both) before class begins.
- Access to a Linux Machine, and/or Install Docker (Unfortuantely, even Mac will not work correctly for some programs)
- Syllabus and Policies
- Piazza Discussion Board
- GradeScope Entry Code: Z3J8YV
- Class videos Panopto in Canvas: JHU only
- Fall 2023 Course Materials
- Applied Comparative Genomics by Aaron Quinlan
- Algorithms for DNA Sequencing by Ben Langmead
- Computational Biology by Rob Patro
- HarvardX Biomedical Data Science
- PLOS Computational Biology Translational Bioinformatics
- Biostars Handbook
- Molecular Biology of the Gene (Watson et al)
- Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts)
- Biological Sequence Analysis (Durbin et al)
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology (Holmes & Huber)
- An Owner's Guide to the Human Genome (Pritchard)
- Genome-wide Association Studies
- WDL Workflows
- UCSC Genome Browswer