CrossStitch creates personalized reference-quality diploid genomes without de novo assembly. The basic idea is rather than trying to assemble a genome from scratch, it will leverage a reference genome as a baseline, and then update it with any SNPs, indels, or structural variations present in your sample. For the best results, the data requirements are similar to a de novo assembly: Illumina-based data for SNPs and Indels, Long Read data for structural variants, and Phasing data such as 10X Linked Reads and/or HiC data. However the CrossStitch process is much less demanding, produces more accurate results, and the process is much more predictable. The output will be a phased VCF file with all variants (SNPs, Indels, and SVs) as well as a phased personalized diploid genome including 2 copies of each chromosome with the variants inserted at the correct locations.
## CrossStitch requires extractHairs from HapCut2
$ git clone
$ cd HapCUT2
$ make
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd vcf2diploid
$ make
$ cd ../Iris
## After this you will need to add HapCUT2/build/extractHAIRS to your path or edit src/ with the correct path
Currently only human genomes are supported for diploid genome construction.
$ phased_snps.vcf unphased_structural_variants.vcf long_reads.bam genome.fa outputprefix gender refine
phased_snps.vcf: VCF file of phased SNP and indel variants. Recommend LongRanger (10X only) or HapCUT2 (HiC and/or 10X)
unphased_structural_variants.vcf: VCF file of structural variants identified using Sniffles
long_reads.bam: BAM file of long reads aligned with NGMLR
genome.fa: Reference genome used
outputprefix: Prefix for output files
karyotype: "xy" or "xx", used to ensure sex chromosomes are correctly used
refine: optionally refine structural variant calls with local assembly (1=refine, 0=skip)
The unphased structural variant must include the names of supporting reads for insertions (sniffles -n [x], where x > 0).
To run the insertion refinement on its own, use the Iris submodule. It has dependencies on minimap2, racon, and samtools.
$ cd crossstitch/simul/simple
$ ../ 1
$ cd crossstitch/simul/fiftyinv
$ ../ 1
Create/copy the simul.param file from the simple example with more/less SVs of different types. Then run ../
*.hap1.fa.gz: Haplotype 1 chromosome fasta sequences
*.hap2.fa.gz: Haplotype 2 chromosome fasts sequences
*.spliced.scrubbed.vcf.gz: Finalized set of phased small and structural variants
*.map: liftover file to relate coordinates on the personalized assembly to the reference (such as GRCh38)
*.chain: liftover file to relate coordinates on the personalized assembly to the reference (such as GRCh38)