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schaul edited this page Jun 27, 2012 · 11 revisions

This is the formal syntax definition, but it is generally easier to understand from looking at examples.


The syntax of a game dynamics description is given in a Python-like indented format. The accompanying level descriptions are simple text strings/files where all lines have the same number of characters.

game_dynamics ::= GameType (\1 block)*

There are four possible blocks. They can appear in any order, but at most once.

block ::= sprite_block | level_block | end_block | collision_block

Sprite block

sprite_block ::= 'SpriteSet' (\1 sprite_node)*

sprite_node ::= sprite_leaf | sprite_internal

sprite_internal ::= category_name '>' SpriteClass? args \1 sprite_node (\1 sprite_node)+

In other words, if a sprite type is defined to have children, it must have at least two.

sprite_leaf ::= sprite_name '>' SpriteClass? args

If the leaf node does not define a SpriteClass, one of its parents must do so.

Level mapping block

level_block ::= 'LevelMapping' (\1 char_mapping)*

char_mapping ::= char '>' (sprite_name)+

where char is a single ASCII character. Any sprite_name used must be defined in the sprite block.

Collision effect block

collision_block ::= (any_name any_name '>' EffectClass args)*

any_name ::= sprite_name | category_name

Again, any sprite_name or category_name used must be defined in the sprite block.

Termination criteria block

end_block ::= 'TerminationSet' (\1 EndClass args)*

Other terms

Grammatical categories in UpperCamelCase are not defined here, but refer to classes defined in the language-accompanying ontology, of the appropriate type. The symbol \1 denotes a line-break with a level of indentation more than its parent. Note that empty lines and anything after a comment character ('#') is ignored, so the description files can be commented at will.

args ::= (option_name'='option_value)*

Note that there is no space permitted on either side of the equal sign. This is an exception, elsewhere in the description, terms can be separated by arbitrary spacing (as long as the indentation levels match up).

The terms option_name, sprite_name, category_name are regular strings. option_value is a Python-parsable string (e.g. '0.3e4'), which can include constants or classes defined in the ontology (e.g. 'BLUE').