Creates a transfer server and tranfer users (with one or more public SSH keys).
module "example-transfer" {
source = ""
name = "example"
endpoint_type = "PUBLIC" # or do not provide, since it defaults to "PUBLIC"
restricted_mode = false
tags = {}
transfer_security_policy = "TransferSecurityPolicy-2020-06"
users = {
user1 = {
home_directory = "/bucketname/user1"
role_policy = null
ssh_pub_keys = ["key1", "key2"]
By using this example the AWS Transfer Family service will create the VPC endpoint in the specified VPC.
module "example-transfer" {
source = ""
name = "example"
endpoint_type = "VPC"
restricted_mode = false
tags = {}
transfer_security_policy = "TransferSecurityPolicy-2020-06"
vpc_endpoint = {
address_allocation_ids = ["eipalloc-12345", "eipalloc-67890"] # or null
security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678901234567"]
subnet_ids = ["subnet-12345", "subnet-67890"]
vpc_id = "vpc-123456"
users = {
user1 = {
home_directory = "/bucketname/user1"
role_policy = null
ssh_pub_keys = ["key1", "key2"]
module "example-transfer" {
source = ""
name = "example"
endpoint_type = "VPC_ENDPOINT"
restricted_mode = false
tags = {}
transfer_security_policy = "TransferSecurityPolicy-2020-06"
vpc_endpoint = {
vpc_endpoint_id = "vpc-endpoint-id-123456"
users = {
user1 = {
home_directory = "/bucketname/user1"
role_policy = null
ssh_pub_keys = ["key1", "key2"]