A simple macro for doing match against fulltext searches with the Eloquent ORM api, currently in beta.
- Laravel 5.x
- MySQL 3.3+
composer require sciku1/laravel-match-against
You're done!
You must register the service provider in your config/app.php
'providers' => [
To run match against queries, the field must have a fulltext index, currently there only way to do this is
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD FULLTEXT index_name(col1, col2)');
The default behaviour is to order. Example:
Model::match(['col1', 'col2'])->against('search terms')->get();
will generate
SELECT * FROM models ORDER BY (MATCH (col1) AGAINST ('search terms')) DESC, (MATCH (col2) AGAINST ('search terms')) DESC
To limit the results, you must use whereAgainst()
Model::match(['col1', 'col2'])->whereAgainst('search terms')->get();
will generate
SELECT * FROM models WHERE (MATCH (col1) AGAINST ('search terms')) > 0, (MATCH (col2) AGAINST ('search terms')) > 0