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DR15 changes
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Changes for DR15 testload
  • Loading branch information
thakar committed Jul 26, 2018
1 parent a29fe33 commit c6f88ce
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Showing 21 changed files with 7,656 additions and 829 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions admin/add.asp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,10 @@
path = xroot+ "msCSV"+sep+xtype+sep+xid+sep;
if (xtype=="manga")
path = xroot+ "maCSV"+sep+xtype+sep+xid+sep;
if (xtype=="mastar")
path = xroot+ "mtCSV"+sep+xtype+sep+xid+sep;
if (xtype=="nsa")
path = xroot+ "nsCSV"+sep+xtype+sep+xid+sep;
if (xtype=="forced")
path = xroot+ "wfCSV"+sep+xtype+sep+xid+sep;
if (xtype=="apogee")
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion admin/newtask.asp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
<option value="WISE">WISE
<option value="FORCED">FORCED
<option value="MASK">MASK
<option value="MaNGA">MaNGA
<option value="MANGA">MaNGA
<option value="MASTAR">MASTAR
<option value="NSA">NSA
<option value="RESOLVE">RESOLVE
<option value="PM">PM
<option value="APOGEE">APOGEE
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions admin/x-upload.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ function parseLine(s) {

if (xtype.match(/^FINISH$/)!=null) path = "\\\\\\\\";

if (dataset.match(/^(TEST|DR1|DR1C|DR2|DR3|DR4|DR5|DR6)$/)==null)
return Error("dataset "+dataset+" not one of (TEST|DR1|DR1C|DR2|DR3|DR4|DR5|DR6|DR7|DR8|DR9|DR10|DR11|DR12)");
if (dataset.match(/^(TEST|DR1|DR1C|DR2|DR3|DR4|DR5|DR6|DR7|DR8|DR9|DR10|DR11|DR12|DR13)$/)==null)
return Error("dataset "+dataset+" not one of (TEST|DR1|DR1C|DR2|DR3|DR4|DR5|DR6|DR7|DR8|DR9|DR10|DR11|DR12|DR13)");
if (path.match(/^\\\\.*\\$/)==null)
return Error(path+" is not a valid UNC path like \\\\host\\dir\\");
if (user=="")
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion loadadmin/loadsupport-sp.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
-- 2016-03-22 Ani: Added MASK and (WISE) FORCED to spNewTask
-- 2016-03-26 Ani: Added MaNGA to spNewTask.
-- 2016-05-05 Ani: Added NSA to spNewTask.
-- 2018-07-20 Ani: Added MASTAR to spNewTask.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ BEGIN

SET @pubtype='BEST-PUB'
SET @pubtype=UPPER(@type)+'-PUB'
Expand Down
1,279 changes: 1,128 additions & 151 deletions schema/csv/loaddbcolumns.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions schema/csv/loaddbobjects.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,11 +269,19 @@ INSERT DBObjects VALUES('aspcapStar','U','U',' Contains data for an APOGEE star
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('aspcapStarCovar','U','U',' Contains the covariance information for an APOGEE star ASPCAP entry. ',' This table contains selected covariance matrix fields for the ASPCAP entry for an APOGEE star. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('cannonStar','U','U',' Contains the stellar parameters obtained from the Cannon. ',' The Cannon (named by David Hogg, after Annie Jump Cannon) is a data-driven approach to determining stellar parameters. This table contains the parameters resulting froom applying that method. More information can be found at ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('apogeePlate','U','U',' Contains all the information associated with an APOGEE plate. ',' This table contains the parameters for an APOGEE spectral plate ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaDrpAll','U','U',' Final summary file of the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP). ',' Contains all of the information required to find a given set of spectra for a target. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('apogeeDesign','U','U',' Contains the plate design information for APOGEE plates. ',' This table contains all the design parameters used in designing plates for APOGEE spectra. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('apogeeField','U','U',' Contains the basic information for an APOGEE field. ',' This table contains the name, location and number of visits expected for an APOGEE field. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('apogeeObject','U','U',' Contains the targeting information for an APOGEE object. ',' This table contains all the parameters that went into targeting objects for APOGEE spectra. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaDRPall','U','U',' Final summary file of the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP). ',' Contains all of the information required to find a given set of spectra for a target. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangatarget','U','U',' MaNGA Target Catalog ',' The MaNGA targeting catalog, v1_2_18. This table contains the details of the three main MaNGA samples, Primary, Secondary and Color-Enhanced, as well as the ancillary targets. In addition to the targeting information there are details of the tile and IFU allocation as of 03/10/2016. This tiling and allocation details may change slightly as the survey evolves. Also included are various useful parameters from the NASA-Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog, v1_0_1, which was used to select almost all of the targets. A few ancillary targets may have been selected from elsewhere. Targets cover the full SDSS spectroscopic DR7 region, although only approximately 1/3 will be observed in the final survey. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('nsatlas','U','U',' NASA-Sloan Atlas catalog ',' The NASA-Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog, v1_0_1. This NSA sample was selected to include virtually all known redshifts out to about z &lt; 0.15 for galaxies within the coverage of SDSS DR11. For each such galaxy, we have created image mosaics from SDSS and GALEX and rephotometered the ugriz bands plus the far and near ultraviolet bands in a self-consistent manner. After cleaning a number of suspicious cases the final catalog contains about 640,000 galaxies. See for more information. <br><br> We recommend the use of the elliptical Petrosian photometry from this catalog. K-corrected absolute magnitudes are provided using kcorrect v4_2. <br><br> There are cases of elliptical Petrosian quantities in this file with <code>_r_original</code> suffices (e.g. <code>petro_flux_r_original</code>), to indicate that these are the original quantities determined for the r-band, without corrections. They differ from the r-band values in the arrays (e.g. <code>petro_flux_r_original</code>) in those cases where the Petrosian radius was undefined in the r-band. In those cases, the quantities in the arrays assume a Petrosian radius of 5 arcsec. <br><br> All absolute magnitudes are given with <i>H<sub>0</sub> = 100 h km s<sup>-1</sup> Mpc<sup>-1</sup></i>, so should be interpreted as <i>M - 5 log<sub>10</sub> h</i>. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaFirefly','U','U',' Contains the measured stellar population parameters for each MaNGA galaxy. ',' This is a base table containing spectroscopic information and the results of the FIREFLY fits on the MaNGA Voronoi binned spectra with S/N threshold of 10. This run has been computed using Maraston & Stromback (M11, 2011) models with the MILES stellar library and a Kroupa stellar initial mass function. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaPipe3D','U','U',' Data products of MaNGA cubes derived using Pipe3D. ',' Contains all the information of each data product. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaDAPall','U','U',' Final summary file of the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP). ',' Collated summary information about the DAP methods, and global metrics derived from the DAP analysis products useful for sample selection. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaHIall','U','U',' Catalogue of Observed MaNGA Targets under program AGBT16A_095 ',' Measured parameters for all MaNGA targets observed with the Green Bank Telescope under project AGBT16A_095. All measurements were made on baselined spectra after hanning and boxcar smoothing to a final resolution of 10 km/s'' ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mangaHIbonus','U','U',' Catalogue of bonus detections under program AGBT16A_095 ',' Measured parameters for all detections in Green Bank Telescope program AGBT16A_095 that were not the primary target of each observation (i.e.,\ other objects that happened to be within the 9'' GBT beam). All measurements were made on baselined spectra after hanning and boxcar smoothing to a final resolution of 10 km/s'' ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mastar_goodstars','U','U',' Summary file of MaNGA Stellar Libary. ',' Summary information for stars with at least one high quality visit-spectrum. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('mastar_goodvisits','U','U',' Summary file of all visits of stars included in MaNGA Stellar Libary. ',' Summary information for all of the good visits of the good stars. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('qsoVarPTF','U','U',' Variability information on eBOSS quasar targets using PTF lightcurves. ',' The table ''qsoVarPTF'' contains variability informations for most DR13 QSO targets (EBOSS_TARGET1=0,9,10,11,12), derived from the combination of SDSS and PTF photometries, on a large fraction of the eBOSS footprint. Due to the inhomogeneity of the PTF sky survey, the sensitivity of these variability measurements is highly variable as a function of sky coordinates. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('qsoVarStripe','U','U',' Variability information on eBOSS quasar targets using SDSS stripe 82 data. ',' The table ''qsoVarStripe'' contains additional informations derived from essentially all multi-epoq SDSS photometry carried out in the Stripe 82 region. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('Frame','U','U',' Contains JPEG images of fields at various zoom factors, and their astrometry. ',' The frame is the basic image unit. The table contains false color JPEG images of the fields, and their most relevant parameters, in particular the coefficients of the astrometric transformation, and position info. The images are stored at several zoom levels. ','0');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,6 +322,7 @@ INSERT DBObjects VALUES('sdssTile','V','U',' A view of sdssTileAll that have unt
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('sdssTilingBoundary','V','U',' A view of sdssTilingGeometry objects that have isMask = 0 ',' The view excludes those sdssTilingGeometry objects that have isMask = 1. See also sdssTilingMask. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('sdssTilingMask','V','U',' A view of sdssTilingGeometry objects that have isMask = 1 ',' The view excludes those sdssTilingGeometry objects that have isMask = 0. See also sdssTilingBoundary. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('TableDesc','V','U',' Extract the description and index group of each table in schema. ',' The view extracts the description of each table from the DBObjects table and the index group from the IndexMap table. This allows all table descriptions to be viewed in one list. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spiders_quasar','U','U',' The SPIDERS quasar eRosita source ',' This table contains data for the SPIDERS (SPectroscopic IDentification of ERosita Sources) quasar spectroscopic followup Value Added Catalog (VAC) based on SDSS DR14. ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('fGetVersion','F','A',' Returns the version string as in the assembly. ','','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('fGetVersions','F','A',' Returns the version strings of the relevant assemblies. ','','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('fGetArea','F','A',' Returns the area of region stored in the specified blob. ',' Parameter(s): <li> @bin varbinary(max): region blob ','0');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,6 +538,7 @@ INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidatePm','P','A',' Validate pm tables ',' <p> p
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateMask','P','A',' Validate Mask tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateMask @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateManga','P','A',' Validate MaNGA tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateManga @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateNSA','P','A',' Validate NSA tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateNSA @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateMastar','P','A',' Validate Mastar tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateMastar @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateResolve','P','A',' Validate resolve tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateResolve @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateApogee','P','A',' Validate resolve tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateApogee @taskid , @stepid, ''targetDB'' </samp> <br> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spValidateWise','P','A',' Validate resolve tables ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> destinationDB int, -- Name of destination DB <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br> Sample call:<br> <samp> <br> exec spValidateWise @taskid , @stepid, ''BestDR8'' </samp> <br> ','0');
Expand All @@ -542,6 +552,7 @@ INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishPhoto','P','A',' Publishes the Photo tables of
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishMask','P','A',' Publishes the Mask tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <samp> spPublishMask 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishManga','P','A',' Publishes the MaNGA tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <samp> spPublishManga 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishNSA','P','A',' Publishes the nsatlas (NASA-Sloan Atlas) table of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <samp> spPublishNSA 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishMastar','P','A',' Publishes the Mastar tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <samp> spPublishMastar 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishPlates','P','A',' Publishes the Plates tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. verify.plates) <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br><samp> spPublishPlates 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishGalProd','P','A',' Publishes the GalProd tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. verify.plates) <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <br><samp> spPublishGalProd 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
INSERT DBObjects VALUES('spPublishTiling','P','A',' Publishes the Tiling tables of one DB to another ',' <p> parameters: <li> taskid int, -- Task identifier <li> stepid int, -- Step identifier <li> fromDB varchar(100), -- source DB (e.g. <li> toDB varchar(100), -- destination DB (e.g. <li> firstTime int -- if 1, creates target table. <li> returns 0 if OK, non zero if something wrong <samp> spPublishTiling 1,1,''SkyServerV4'',''tempDB'', 1 </samp> ','0');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,6 +615,6 @@ INSERT DBObjects VALUES('fMathGetBin','F','U',' Returns the value at the center

PRINT '594 lines inserted into DBObjects '
PRINT '605 lines inserted into DBObjects '


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