- Check for items in offline coop mates' inventory/enderchest and notify them on Discord/IFTTT if a shared item is present (Hypixel Skyblock);
- Check for sales of offline coop mates' BIN auctions;
- Set Discord Channel's topic with online players;
- Send a message in a Discord channel with Oringo's today pets.
- Players need to allow access to their Inventory in their Skyblock settings;
- At least one Hypixel API key (generatable using the in-game command
); - (A Discord server);
- (A IFTTT API key).
Application Options:
-k= Hypixel API key(s)
-d= Time between two checks (default: 1m)
-w= Webhook url used to notify users on discord
-t= Discord token used to update channel topic with online players
-c= Discord channel id used to update channel topic with online players
-z Check for Zoo pet and send it on Discord
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
forgoven \
-d 8s -z \
-k c447489f-52fe-4231-872c-803d17902e96 \
-w https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/758919348577719200/Sqs49JcaEo6N4vqctbsfwl0E6Jr-0XxpFUy8JdFQjGKWrYE9oLHn4Dsf9mNplucj1436 \
-t AAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA.AAAAAAAA -c 123456789012345678
-u scotow:Papaya:OQea02as-aze11:Stonk:Scorpion \
-u 'lrdoz:Papaya:981058438928120342:Stonk,Aspect of the Dragon' \
-u boinc:Papaya:122004182860102840:Stonk,Minion
The command above:
- check inventory every 8s (3 players - 8s - 3 calls ~= 68 calls per minute, limit is 120);
- send Oringo's today pets in the Discord channel;
- notify the user Scotow with notigo if he is disconnected with a Stonk item in his inventory/enderchest;
- notify the user Scotow with notigo if a BIN auction has been completed matching the Scorpion string;
- notify the user lrdoz on Discord if he is disconnected with a Stonk or an Aspect of the Dragon item in his inventory/enderchest;
- notify the user boinc on Discord if he is disconnected with a Stonk or any Minion in his inventory/enderchest;
- update channel topic (id 123456789012345678) with the list of online players.