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🗃 Temporary file hosting 🗃

Temporary file host build using NodeJS, Express, multer and mySQL.

A instance of this package is currently at


This package was developed using the following version and was not tested with previous ones (even if it may work with previous releases):

Feel free to check the package.json file for more information.


Clone the repo then install globaly using npm:

git clone
cd sendrop
npm install -g sendrop


Sendrop options can be either passed as environment variables or by updating the files in the config folder.

While using configuration files, your configuration options must to be arranged as profile:

    "production": {
        "option1" : "value1",
        "option2" : "value2",
    "dev": {
        "option1" : "value1",
        "option2" : "value2",

Then, you can specify the profile to load using the SENDROP_ENV environment variable (default is production):

export SENDROP_ENV=dev
Database (mySQL)

Before starting the web server you have to create a new database (creation script) and specify your mySQL credentials.

Credentials can be specified in the database config file or by setting the following environment variables:

export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_USER=sendrop
export DB_PASSWORD=password
export DB_DATABASE=sendrop
Address and port

Furthermore you can specify a custom address and listening port. The address is mainly use to generate direct link to file and the port may be change if you run Sendrop behind a proxy. Setting the address as 'auto' makes Sendrop use req.hostname and req.protocol (default address is auto and port is 80):

export PORT=8080

NB: If used behind a proxy don't forget to set the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to use the user IP and set the X-Forwarded-Proto to pass the protocol to Express. The IP is used to count and moderate file uploads from the same user.

Here is the three directives I set in my NGINX conf file:

proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;
Storage folder

Finally, you can specify the directory where files will be temporary stored using the config file or the following environment variable (default is the temporary directory of your OS + /uploads/):

export STORAGE_PATH=/tmp/sendrop
Additional proxy configuration

If you have a proxy in front of your Sendrop instance, you may need to increase the allowed body size of the requests.

For example, in NGINX you may change this limit as following:

client_max_body_size 256M;

Feel free to check template files in the config folder.



Set a Sendrop profile by setting the SENDROP_ENV variable:

export SENDROP_ENV=dev
Start the web server using the command:



Quickly upload files using the or script.


Feedback are appreciated. Feel free to open an issue or a pull request if needed.


sendrop provided by Scotow is for illustrative purposes only which provides customers with programming information regarding the products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties and support.

I assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to the product.

Enjoy sharing!