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Scott McDonald edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

JSON API is an excellent specification for building hypermedia (Level 3 REST API) APIs in JSON. Using this standard solves the problem of how to format your hypermedia API responses (server) as well as requests for creating, updating, and deleting resources (client) with JSON. Adopting this standard promotes standardized communication protocols between client applications and hypermedia API servers making development and consumption of the hypermedia API effortless.

JsonApiFramework is a fast, extensible, and portable C#/.NET framework that implements the JSON API 1.0 version of the specification that enables .NET developers to work with JSON API documents at a high level using .NET objects. Therefore the JsonApiFramework helps .NET developers focus on core application functionality rather than on protocol implementation.

Installing from NuGet

Requires NuGet 2.12 or higher

Install nuget package the respective nuget package for the following scenarios:

Note you can install both JsonApiFramework.Client and JsonApiFramework.Server in the same project if needed when applications will have the dual role of both a client and server of JSON API documents in the same application.


Id Name
JsonApiFramework.Client JsonApiFramework [Client]

To install the JsonApiFramework [Client] nuget package, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package JsonApiFramework.Client


Id Name
JsonApiFramework.Server JsonApiFramework [Server]

To install the JsonApiFramework [Server] nuget package, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package JsonApiFramework.Server

Shared Service Model Only

Special case of creating an assembly containing just the service model where the assembly is intended to be shared by both client-side and server-side projects.

Id Name
JsonApiFramework.Core JsonApiFramework [Core]

To install the JsonApiFramework [Core] NuGet package, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package JsonApiFramework.Core

Service Models

Reading Existing Documents

Building and Writing New Documents

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