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What is Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify)?

In October 2021, the Washington State Department of Health launched the Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify), which implements the SMART Health Card framework. This portal was built leveraging the California Department of Technology (CDT) Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record (DCVR) Portal solution that was launched in June 2021 and was provided to Washington State as open source.

A Digital COVID-19 Verification Record is an electronic vaccination record drawn from the data stored in the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS). The digital record shows the same information as a resident's paper CDC vaccine card: name, date of birth, vaccination dates, and type of vaccine received. The digital record also includes a QR code that, when scanned by a SMART Health Card reader, will display to the reader your name, date of birth, vaccine dates, and vaccine type. The QR code also confirms the vaccine record as an official record of the State of Washington.

Application Architecture

Washington's implementation of the application is a n-tier, logically and physically separated architecture:

  1. A web application UI using the React JavaScript Library,
  2. A middle tier API written in Microsoft .NET Core with Node JS
  3. A middle tier Azure Function written in JavaScript with Node JS
  4. A backend data tier using Azure Synapse Analytics Database

Twilio SMS and SendGrid API

  • Once the API determines that information submitted matches an existing record in the immunization registry, a 'found' message is sent via Twilio (SMS) or SendGrid (email).
  • If a match is not found, a failure message is sent via Twilio (SMS) or SendGrid (email).

Code Repos

There are a total of three code repositories:

  1. DigitalCovid19VaccineRecord-UI
  2. DigitalCovid19VaccineRecord-API
  3. DigitalCovid19VaccineRecord-QR

Please view the readme file in each repo for further details.

How to run locally

  • Deploy UI Code into a local directory.
  • Deploy API Code into a local directory.
  • Replace any backend return data set with a JSON data set specified in API readme file.
  • Use this example string for recipID = "12345" to generate a sample QR code.
  • Use expected JSON structure from database:
{ "vc": { "credentialSubject": { "fhirBundle": { "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "resource:0", "resource": { "birthDate": "1951-08-15", "name": [ { "family": "Doe", "given": [ "John" ] } ], "resourceType": "Patient" } }, { "fullUrl": "resource:1", "resource": { "occurrenceDateTime": "2021-02-23", "patient": { "reference": "resource:0" }, "performer": [ { "actor": { "display": "KAISER PERMANENTE NCAL" } } ], "resourceType": "Immunization", "status": "completed", "vaccineCode": { "coding": [ { "code": "208", "system": "" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "resource:2", "resource": { "lotNumber": "EN6207", "occurrenceDateTime": "2021-03-16", "patient": { "reference": "resource:0" }, "performer": [ { "actor": { "display": "KAISER PERMANENTE NCAL" } } ], "resourceType": "Immunization", "status": "completed", "vaccineCode": { "coding": [ { "code": "208", "system": "" } ] } } } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "collection" }, "fhirVersion": "4.0.1" }, "type": [ "", "", "" ] } }

Functionality Overview

The Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify) is most useful as an official, digital copy of an individual's CDC card. It is an official document issued by the State of Washington and is sufficient as proof of a vaccination record if a person cannot produce their CDC card.

Users who scan the QR code will see a long string of text, starting with the prefix "shc:/", which indicates that the information to follow is a SMART Health Card. (iPhone users who try scanning this with their camera get the "no usable data found" message because as of this writing, there is no application on the iPhone associated with the "shc:" prefix.) The long string of text is known as a "FHIR bundle" - FHIR stands for Fast Health Interoperability Resources and is an emerging collection of standards designed to improve healthcare data interoperability. More information is at

The State of Washington cryptographically signs this bundle; any reader can validate that signature by using the state's public key, published on the My Vaccine Record page at . The QR code includes the same information presented on the digital vaccine record webpage: your name, date of birth, and the date(s) of your vaccination(s). When a SMART Health Card-compatible reader scans the QR code, it gives the reader the ability to verify the signature, confirming the authenticity of underlying information. (If the FHIR bundle had been modified, the signature verification would fail, resulting in an unsuccessful scan.)

In this way, a reader can know for certain that an individual with the name presented, born on the day indicated, actually received the vaccination(s) mentioned in the QR code. Those vaccination(s) are registered in the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS). It's worth mentioning what the SMART Health Card is not: it's not proof of identity, it is a confirmation of a vaccination record belonging to the individual named, born on the date specified. Any venue or organization that wants to rely on the SMART Health Card as proof of vaccination should match the information contained on an identity document (driver's license, for example).

A final note on the Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify) design and ongoing improvements to the system. In order to generate a digital vaccine record, we need to match the contact information you provide with contact information already on file with the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS). In most cases, the vaccination provider submitted the resident's contact information with the report of their vaccination. In those cases, the resident will successfully retrieve their digital vaccine record 100% of the time. However, if your contact information is missing from the immunization registry, we cannot match your information with the vaccination record, and therefore cannot send you a link. We worked hard before launch to ensure that we had as much contact information in the system as possible and have made great strides since we launched. By working closely with the vaccination providers, we've added even more contact information for several million Washington residents; as a result, we have improved the match rate on digital vaccine record requests. As we get more reports from residents who remain unable to retrieve their digital vaccine records, we are in close contact with each provider so that we can continue to make progress. In the meantime, any resident who wants to can reach out to their provider directly and ask that they send updated contact information to the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS) or can reach out to Washington State Department of Health and upload a copy of their CDC card so that the state can update their records. (Submitted information will need to be verified and may take a bit of time before it's reflected in the system.)

Introduction to the Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify) API

The Digital COVID-19 Verification Record (WA Verify) API is the middle tier component between the UI and Backend used to verify users’ vaccine credentials are a match in the database.

#Recommended Software & Tools:

  • Visual Studio 2019 or greater
  • IIS Server 10 or greater
  • Web Browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)

#Installation and Setup

  "TwilioSettings:FromPhone": "", //Your Twilio Sender Phone
  "TwilioSettings:AuthToken": "", //Your Twilio Auth ID
  "TwilioSettings:AccountSID": "", //Your Twilio Account SID
  "TwilioSettings:SandBox": 0, //0=False,1=True
  "AzureSynapseSettings:UseRelaxed": 1, //0=False,1=True
  "AzureSynapseSettings:ConnectionString": "", //Example:Server=servername,port_number;Database=database_name;Authentication=Active Directory Password;User Id=AD_Account_Id;Password=AD_Account_PW;
  "AzureSynapseSettings:IdQuery": "", //Your ID Stored Procedure Name
  "AzureSynapseSettings:RelaxedQuery": "", //Your Relaxed Query Stored Procedure Name
  "AzureSynapseSettings:StatusQuery": "", //Your Strict Match Stored Procedure Name

  "SendGridSettings:SenderEmail": "",
  "SendGridSettings:Sender": "",
  "SendGridSettings:Key": "", //Your SendGrid Account Key
  "SendGridSettings:SandBox": 0, //0=False,1=True

  "KeySettings:PrivateKey": "", //Your Eliptical Curve Private Key. Line breaks in key should be replaced with \n
  "KeySettings:Issuer": "", //Example:
  "KeySettings:Certificate": "", //Your Eliptical Curve Certificate. Line breaks in cert should be replaced with \n

  "AppSettings:WebUrl": "", //Your local host UI app Url. Example: http://localhost:7770
  "AppSettings:QrCodeApi": "", //Your localhost Function app Url. Example: http://localhost:7771/api/QRCreate
  "AppSettings:DeveloperSms": "", //When ppopulated, sends all SMS text to configured mobile number
  "AppSettings:DeveloperEmail": "", //When populated, sends all emails to configured email address
  "AppSettings:CodeSecret": "", //Your code secret must be HEX Code 32 characters
  "AppSettings:LinkExpireHours": 2,
  "AppSettings:CacheMinutes": 1,
  "AppSettings:UseMessageQueue": 0, //0=False,1=True
  "AppSettings:MaxStatusTries": -1,
  "AppSettings:MaxStatusSeconds": 60,
  "AppSettings:MaxQrTries": -1,
  "AppSettings:MaxQrSeconds": 60,
  "AppSettings:RedisConnectionString": "",
  "AppSettings:SendNotFoundEmail": 1,
  "AppSettings:SendNotFoundSms": 1,
  "AppSettings:AppleWalletUrl": "",
  "AppSettings:GoogleWalletUrl": "",
  "AppSettings:UseBatchMode": "0", //0=False,1=True

  "MessageQueueSettings:ConnectionString": "", //Azure Storage Account connection string. Example: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fake;AccountKey=fake;
  "MessageQueueSettings:QueueName": "", //Azure storage account queue name
  "MessageQueueSettings:MaxDequeuePerMinute": 800,
  "MessageQueueSettings:NumberThreads": 500,
  "MessageQueueSettings:SleepSeconds": 3,
  "MessageQueueSettings:AlternateQueueName": "",
  "MessageQueueSettings:MessageExpireHours": 72,
  "MessageQueueSettings:InvisibleSeconds": "600",

  "KeySettings:GooglePrivateKey": "", //Private RSA key for your Google API Console service. -----PRIVATE RSA KEY----- paddings should be removed.
  "KeySettings:GoogleCertificate": "", //Public cert for your Google API console service account. Line breaks should be repalced with \n
  "KeySettings:GoogleIssuer": "", //Google API Console service account email address
  "KeySettings:GoogleIssuerId": "", //Google Merchant Account Id
  "KeySettings:GoogleWalletLogo": "" //Example:
  • Start the IIS Server from Visual Studio Code 2019 or greater.

  • localhost will start, and a Swagger interface will begin.

#API references GET /HealthCheck

Call to check the status of API


  "pin": "645321"

Expected Output:

200 OK

POST /vaccineCredential Parameters:


  "id": "DFA28931HJA9001229jsd0qw",
  "pin": "1122",
  "walletCode": "G"

Expected Output:

  "fileContentQr": "string",
  "fileNameQr": "string",
  "mimeTypeQr": "string",
  "fileContentSmartCard": "string",
  "fileNameSmartCard": "string",
  "walletContent": "string",
  "mimeTypeSmartCard": "string",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "dob": "2000-01-22",
  "doses": [
      "type": "Pfizer",
      "doa": "string",
      "provider": "string",
      "lotNumber": "string"

POST /vaccineCredentialStatus Parameters:

note: phoneNumber must be empty if emailAddress exists. emailAddress must be empty if phoneNumber exists. (example below) pin: must be 4 digits with no sequence.

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "dateOfBirth": "2000-08-12",
  "phoneNumber": "000-000-0000",
  "emailAddress": "",
  "pin": "1122",
  "language": "en"

Expect Output:

200 OK

How to run from localhost

  1. Clone the API repository into Visual Studio

  2. Open the API project solution.

  3. Set VaccineCredential.Api as "Start up project".

  4. Update the secrets.json with information from API ReadMe above.

  5. Edit AzureSynapseService.cs under Infrastructure > AzureSynapse a) edit function as:

 public async Task<string> GetVaccineCredentialStatusAsync(GetVaccineCredentialStatusQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return "12345";

b) Edit function public async Task<Vc> GetVaccineCredentialSubjectAsync(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Add these lines under the function

Vc vaccineCredential = null;
var jsonString1 = @"{ ""vc"": { ""credentialSubject"": { ""fhirBundle"": { ""entry"": [ { ""fullUrl"": ""resource: 0"", ""resource"": { ""birthDate"": ""1951-08-15"", ""name"": [ { ""family"": ""Doe"", ""given"": [""John""] } ], ""resourceType"": ""Patient"" } }, { ""fullUrl"": ""resource: 1"", ""resource"": { ""occurrenceDateTime"": ""2021-02-23"", ""patient"": { ""reference"": ""resource: 0"" }, ""performer"": [ { ""actor"": { ""display"": ""KAISER PERMANENTE NCAL"" } } ], ""resourceType"": ""Immunization"", ""status"": ""completed"", ""vaccineCode"": { ""coding"": [ { ""code"": ""208"", ""system"": """" } ] } } }, { ""fullUrl"": ""resource:2"", ""resource"": { ""lotNumber"": ""EN6207"", ""occurrenceDateTime"": ""2021-03-16"", ""patient"": { ""reference"": ""resource:0"" }, ""performer"": [ { ""actor"": { ""display"": ""KAISER PERMANENTE NCAL"" } } ], ""resourceType"": ""Immunization"", ""status"": ""completed"", ""vaccineCode"": { ""coding"": [ { ""code"": ""208"", ""system"": """" } ] } } } ], ""resourceType"": ""Bundle"", ""type"": ""collection"" }, ""fhirVersion"": ""4.0.1"" }, ""type"": [ """", """", """" ] } }";
var vaccineCredentialobject1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VcObject>(jsonString1);
vaccineCredential =;
return vaccineCredential;
  1. Start IIS Express

  2. The http:localhost server will start

  3. Success!

API Configuration Parameters

Name Description ExpectedValue
AppSettings__CDCUrl Url to CDC for covid19
AppSettings__CodeSecret Used to encrypt the URL to retrieve QR Code. It is AES Secret(32 hex characters long) D93CF.....290
AppSettings__ContactUsUrl url for FAQ https://[your web url]/faq
AppSettings__CovidWebUrl Url for State/Agency covid19 page
AppSettings__DeveloperEmail If set, all email messages will be sent to this email instead of using the email address entered by users. This flag should only be used in local development environment. It should be blank when the system deployed in Azure
AppSettings__DeveloperSms If set, all SMS messages will be sent to this phone number instead of using the phone number entered by users. This flag should only be used in local development environment. It should be blank when the system deployed in Azure
AppSettings__EmailLogoUrl url for email logo
AppSettings__GoogleWalletUrl The Google URL that is used to add a user's vaccine credential info to Google Pay application
AppSettings__AppleWalletUrl The Apple Wallet's URL that is used to add a user's vaccine credential info to Apple Wallet application
AppSettings__LinkExpireHours Number of hours the QR link is valid 24
AppSettings__QrCodeApi Url of function app for QR code generator https://[Your Function App url]/api/QRCreate
AppSettings:RedisConnectionString Redis Cache Connection String
AppSettings__MaxQrSeconds Used for rate limiting the Vaccine Credential endpoint. The value is used in conjunction with MaxQRTries 60
AppSettings__MaxQrTries Used for rate limiting. It contains a number of times a client can call the Vaccine Credential endpoint within a given MaxQrSeconds. Note use -1 for no ratelimiting. 3
AppSettings__MaxStatusSeconds Used for rate limiting the Vaccine Credential Status endpoint. The value is used in conjunction with MaxStatusTries 60
AppSettings__MaxStatusTries Used for rate limiting. It contains a number of times a client can call the Vaccine Credential Status endpoint within a given MaxStatusSeconds. Note use -1 for no ratelimiting. 1
AppSettings__SendNotFoundEmail Indicates whether to send Not Found email "0": not send, "1": send
AppSettings__SendNotFoundSms Indicates whether to send Not Found SMS text "0": not send, "1": send
AppSettings__UseMessageQueue Indicates if requests are put in the Credential Request queue for processing later or in real time "0": no, "1": yes
AppSettings__VaccineFAQUrl Url for FAQ Page https://[your web url]/faq
AppSettings__WebUrl Url of the Vaccine Credential front end application http://[your web url]
MessageQueueSettings__ConnectionString URL to the Credential Request queue DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[ACCOUNT NAME];AccountKey=[ACCOUNT KEY];
MessageQueueSettings__MaxDequeuePerMinute Number of items in the Credential Request queue that should be processed per minute 1000
MessageQueueSettings__MessageExpireHours Number of hours that an un-processable item should be removed from the Credential Request queue 72
MessageQueueSettings__InvisibleSeconds Number of seconds that a queue item can be tried to process again 300
MessageQueueSettings__NumberThreads Number of tasks the Credential Request web job should run 50
MessageQueueSettings__QueueName The name of the Credential Request queue in Azure credentialrequests
MessageQueueSettings__SleepSeconds Number of second to sleep in between retrieval messages from the Credential Request queue 3
KeySettings__Certificate The certificate (Elliptical Curve P-256). It is the public key pair of the private key used to sign the QR Code. Used in the creds https://[your web url]/creds/.well-known/jwks.json
KeySettings__Issuer The URL of the public key https://[your web url]/creds
Keysettings__PrivateKey The private key (Elliptical Curve P-256) used to sign the QR Code JWT -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nM......Ipa0Q==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
KeySettings__GoogleCertificate It is the public key pair of the private key for the Google service account used to sign the Google Health Card
KeySettings__GoogleIssuer The Google service account's issuer that is created under CDT Organization. It is linked to the GoogleIssuerId
KeySettings__GoogleIssuerId The Google Merchant Center account that is used to add the generate Vaccine Credential to the Google Pay application 3388000000013279970
KeySettings__GooglePrivateKey The Google service account's private rsa key (RS256) used in signing the Vaccine Credential for Google Health Card MIIEo..................Uh+jDJj7GxFMqUk=
KeySettings__GoogleWalletLogo The link to the State/Agency Logo that is used in the Google Health Card https://[your web url]/imgs/ca-logo-660w.png
SendGridSettings__Key The SendGrid API Key to send emails SG.Az12........RHcJaS4
SendGridSettings__Sender The email sender friendly name [State] Department of Public Health
SendGridSettings__SenderEmail The sender email no-reply@[Department].[State].gov
AzureSynapseSettings__ConnectionString The Azure Synapse Analytical Database connection string Server=[synapse_server_name,port];Database=[synapse_database_name];Uid=[Azure_system_managed_id];Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryMSI
AzureSynapseSettings__IdQuery The query string to retrieve Vaccine Credential by a record ID [schema].[stored_proc_name]
AzureSynapseSettings__StatusQuery Name of Azure Synapse stored procedure used to perform strict match search by mobile phone or email [schema].[stored_proc_name]
AzureSynapseSettings__RelaxedQuery Name of Azure Synapse stored procedure used to perform relaxed matching search by email or mobile phone [schema].[stored_proc_name]
AzureSynapseSettings__UseRelaxed Flag to turn on/off relaxed queries "0": not use, "1": use
TwilioSettings__AccountSID Twilio Account id AC.......55f
TwilioSettings__AuthToken Twilio Authorized Token
TwilioSettings__FromPhone Twilio's sender phone number +183......29
WEBJOBS_RESTART_TIME The time in seconds to restart the Vaccine Credential web job if it is not running 3


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