- Prove that each of the following sorting algorithms is stable or show that it is unstable by giving a counter example; moreover, determine whether it is in place: bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort and heap-sort.
- 第十四組
- Given a positive integer , design an algorithm for computing .
- 第十六組
- How to implement merge-sort such that the extra space used is about where is the number of input elements?
- 第十三組
- Given two sorted arrays and , design an algorithm to compute .
- 第九組
- Solve the recurrence where is assumed; assume that is constant if .
- 第一組
- Given a sorted array of distinct integers, you want to find out the index for which if it exists. Please design a Divide-and-Conquer algorithm that runs in time . (Analyze your algorithm and show it is correct.)
- 第三組
- Analyze best-case, average-case, and worst-case performance of the following pseudocode which describes a sorting algorithm. Append your analyzing process or reasons.
- 第七組
i = 2
while i <= size
if i == 1 or array[i] >= array[i - 1]
i += 1
swap array[i], array[i - 1]
i -= 1