"There can be life after breast cancer. The prerequisite is early detection." - Ann Jillian
Initiated within the frame of MLPC Pipo Competition, it is a web application based AI assistant useful for cancerologists to determine whether patients suffering or likely to suffer from breast cancer. This is done in 02 steps :
- Mammography ( considering patient's medical past results )
- Biopsy ( realizing the tumor's mask from mammogram ).
All backed with Flask. The full description is presented on Breast_Cancer.pdf
- Install python 3.7 (if it is not installed ) :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.7
- Clone the repository :
git clone -b main https://github.com/script-0/Breast-Cancer-AI-Assistant/
- Open (Enter in) the directory :
- Install the dependancies :
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the program:
python3 app.py
- The server would be launched. Open the web browser and enter the link
, now you can use the project
Use version on deploy
- Installation Guide
- Some Captures
- Deploy