This a repository of sample iOS application for fully trained mongolian cyrillic text recognition in tesseract v3.03 & Leptonica 1.71. In order to run the application,
- Pod install tesseract with latest version
- XCode 9
- iOS 11
- Tesseract Engine 3.03-rc1 ( check engine version in terminal using tesseract --version). Please refer to command line usage of tesseract
- Leptonica 1.71 (minimum)
Download the code and Install pod with latest version of tesseract. If you have any issues like,
actual_tessdata_num_entries_<= TESSDATA_NUM_ENTRIES:Error:Assert failed:in file ..\ccutil\tessdatamanager.cpp, line 55_
Please check the iOS tesseract engine version match with trained version. If you have any weird issues please refer to tesseract FAQ page here
NOTE: If you looking for tesseract mongolian trained data for iOS11, please refer this link