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Sample project using Spring Boot 2 and Java


This project is made for anyone who is looking for an example of how to create a rest endpoint using Java Spring Boot & Maven.

This service calls a local h2 database. Please see resources/data.sql directory for more details.

This project was written using IntelliJ Community Edition.

Installing Project Dependencies

This project uses Maven build tool.

If you are on MacOS you can install the dependency using homebrew:

brew install maven

However, this project implements maven wrapper, all maven commands can be executed using the maven wrapper.

Running the application

After you have performed all the dependency installations from above, you can run the following command on your terminal to start this app.

From the root of this project enter the following terminal command:

build & test: ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

running the application locally: java -jar target/spring-boot-2-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Or you can also start the application within IntelliJ.

Project Database

This project uses a local h2 database for a repository.


This project contains a swagger ui.

For more information regarding swagger. Click here.

For more information regarding SpringFox. Click here.

To view this api's swagger ui, run this application locally, then navigate to [http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html]

This app is also deployed using heroku. To view deployed api swagger navigate to

You can test out this api entirely from the swagger ui page.

Rest Api

Users Api - local

GET - getAll - local: /users

GET - getById - local: /users/{userId}

POST - createUser - local /users + include a json body with fields

PUT - updateUser - local: /users/{userId} + include a json body with fields.

DELETE - deleteUser - local: /users/{userId}

Orders Api - local

GET - getAll - local: /orders

GET - getOrderByUserId - local: /orders/{userId}

POST - createOrder - local /orders/{userId} + include a json body with fields

GET - getById - local: /orders/id/{orderId}

PUT - updateOrder - local: /orders/id/{orderId} + include a json body with fields.

DELETE - deleteOrder- local: /orders/id/{orderId}

Users Api - deployed on heroku

GET - getAll - local: /users

GET - getById - local: /users/{userId}

POST - createUser - local /users + include a json body with fields

PUT - updateUser - local: /users/{userId} + include a json body with fields.

DELETE - deleteUser - local: /users/{userId}

Orders Api - deployed on heroku

GET - getAll - local: /orders

GET - getOrderByUserId - local: /orders/{userId}

POST - createOrder - local /orders/{userId} + include a json body with fields

GET - getById - local: /orders/id/{orderId}

PUT - updateOrder - local: /orders/id/{orderId} + include a json body with fields.

DELETE - deleteOrder- local: /orders/id/{orderId}

TDD - Integration Tests

This api is fully tested with Unit Tests and Integration tests. Please see tests directory for examples.

Test's connects to h2 database for integration tests.

Spring Boot Project

This project is a Spring Boot project. For more information click here


This application can be run in Docker. Please see Dockerfile for image setup. Steps to create an image & how to run the app in a container below. (must have docker installed)

Create a docker image: docker build -t spring-api .

Run docker container: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 spring-api

*** Once app has started, view the swagger ui by navigating to [http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html] ***

View docker images: docker images

View docker containers: docker ps -a

Remove docker images: docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Remove docker containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Click here for more information regarding docker

Continuous Integration(CI)

A web hook has been setup with GitHub Actions for all Push and Pull Requests.

Continuous Delivery(CD)

A web hook has been setup with heroku for all deployments.

You can view and try the endpoints here

Step By Step Recreation

Please see branches or closed pull requests to see how this project was built step by step.

You can also refer to README_STEPS.MD

Questions / Contact / Contribute

Feel free to fork this repo, add to it, and create a pull request if you like to contribute.

If you have any questions, you can contact me via email: