This repository contains data load mechanisms for populating a new instance of LEAP HAPI-FHIR JPAServer version 4.1.0. It utilizes Postman version 8.10.0 to simplify the bulk loading of Organization, Practitioners, Questionnaires, and our test Patients clinical records. There are other freely available tools for performing this task. This is just one example we have setup for you.
Step #1 Check out this repository:
> git clone
Step #2 Install Postman
- Download and install Postman desktop for your OS platform at provides a "Free" community addition plan for up to 3 team members.
Step #3 Setup Postman
Import Enviroment File {clone directory}/leap-fhir-seed-data/src/main/resources/fhir-seed-data-environment.postman_environment.json
Modify Enviroment Variables for your working enviroment.
You will need to change the values for you SEED_DATA_DIR and HAPI_FHIR_URL they are currently set as.
Modify your settings to allow you to process files outside of your LEAP workspace.
Import FHIR Seed Data Postman Collection File {clone directory}/leap-fhir-seed-data/src/main/resources/postman-collection/fhir-seed-data-collection.postman_collection.json
Step #4 Run Postman Collection
- This will load base LEAP FHIR Resources and the generated clincial history of 10 test patients created using Synthea at This will take some time.
Step #1 - Modify application-test.yaml with your HAPI FHIR endpoint. This file is located in the folder {clone directory}/src/test/resources/config.
url: ${HAPI_FHIR_URL:}
Step #2 - Run Load Tests
- These tests will load ResearchStudy for Pre-Diabetics, identify and create ResearchSubject as potential candiates, and load a MedicationRequest for all patients that requires informed consent.
> cd {clone directory}/leap-fhir-seed-data
> mvn test
- Patient Users of the LEAP Consent UI require their accounts to be mapped to their FHIR patient resource on the consent repositiory. This is done for you as an automated function provided to admin user on our demonstration platform. For more info on this refer to
If you wish to reload your hapi-fhir-jpaserver instance. Perform the following;
- 1 Shutdown your hapi fhir instance, if using docker the command would be similar to
> docker stop hapi-fhir-jpaserver
- 2 Log into your mysql instance, and drop hapi database, again if using docker and mysql the command would be similar to
> docker exec -it {container id} bash
> mysql -u root -ppassword
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| hapi |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> drop database hapi;
mysql> exit
> exit
- 3 Restart hapi-fhir-jpaserver. Again if using docker the command would be similar to;
> docker start hapi-fhir-jpaserver
If your hapi-fhir-jpaserver is configured correctly it will automatically recreate the database and its tables on first request to base URL.
Redo Steps.
- Bulk Load - Step #4 Run Postman Collection
- Experimental Use Cases Load - Step #2 Run Load Tests