The Seabreeze project serves as our laboratory for containerization and automation. Seabreeze comprises a suite of tools and components developed to organize and manage containerized applications and to automate tasks. The name "Seabreeze" reflects our goal to make project management and deployment as smooth and effortless as a breeze.
Our flagship, the Seabreeze Client tool, helps you organize and manage your containerized applications with ease. It encapsulates all necessary elements of an application, such as services, configurations, and scripts, into easily manageable projects.
Breesh is our vision for an interactive shell interface designed specifically for Seabreeze and Docker. This powerful tool aims to streamline your workflow by providing:
- An intuitive, command-line interface for interacting with Seabreeze and Docker
- Smart autocompletion for Seabreeze and Docker commands
- Interactive help and documentation at your fingertips
While the Seabreeze Client and Breesh are our current focus, we're always exploring new ideas to enhance containerization and automation. Stay tuned for future announcements as we continue to chart new waters in the vast ocean of containerization!
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Join us on this journey to make your project management, container orchestration, and deployment procedures as effortless as a breeze!