This is a collection of some of my academic projects and workshops I've hosted.
During a Data Assimilation course I took at SAMSI, I worked with two grad students to design and implement several DA models on simulated CMAQ output and observational data with the purpose of accurately predicting PM 2.5 concentrations at "new" sensor locations.
I produced an infographic for the organization NC PACE. Gotta take care of the emeritus professors somehow. Here's their website:
A week-long SAMSI project where I worked with other undergraduates to implemement a localized LETKF for the Python package DATeS. Our advisor was Ahmed Attia from Virginia Tech. Here's the paper for the Kalman Filter and the website for DATeS:
- Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: An Efficient Scheme for Assimilating Atmospheric Data (Harlim & Hunt)
A summer Combinatorics REU where I (with much help of my advisor Carl Mummert from Marshall University) enumerated a family of latin squares and produced a lower bound for the number of mates that a latin square of a given size can have. Presented this work at the 2017 Joint Math Meetings in Atlanta, GA.