We want our users to be able to discover and save pictures they like according to our recommendations. Our user will input a picture of theirs that they like and find others that are similar according to our technology. They can then have a collection of similar photos to use for whatever purpose they choose - art work, stock photos for a company site, sharing with friends, etc.
- Arthur Liou (artliou)
- Jerry Xia (jerrysummer)
- Pavan Sethi (pavansethi)
- Sean Hong (sean0923)
To begin using this application, upload a photo via the upload photo link. Comp will display the top similar results to your photo. You'll have the option to save photos you like to a personal collection for future viewing.
- Angular
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Nodemon
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Request
- Bower
- Cloudinary
- Mocha/Chai OR Karma OR Signon
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
View the project roadmap [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NuF4f3BU05sx95ocPkgrUCbjkPMqbpXjJteo16vJDO4/edit?usp=drive_web]
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.