Commits correspond to each exercise
- HTML/JS set up
- Demonstrate difference between var/let (function vs block scope)
- Example of using a rest parameter (pass values individually and using spread syntax)
- Diff btw == and ===
- Example of array destructuring, including w/ spread syntax
- Demonstrate using lambdas with the array functions map/filter/forEach (chaining)
- Use JSON to make a hard copy of an object
- Use NaN
- Callbacks vs. Promise Chaining vs. async/await
- Closures - demonstrate usage with a counter
- Use of !! (double bang)
- Arrays - find vs filter
- Arrays - every vs some
- Arrays - map vs flatmap
- Arrays - shift vs unshift
- Arrays - pop vs push
- Arrays - reduce (ex: sum)
- Undefined vs Null
- try/catch/finally basic example
- generate a random number between 1 and 5
- Get unique values from array with duplicates using Set
- 6 falsey values in javascript
- Currying - simple example
- Object destructuring
- Demonstrate how to get out of timer interval (setInterval/clearInterval)
- Get/Set/Delete object prop (get 3 different ways)
- use continue/break with nested loops (labels)
- DOM vs BOM (retrieve a prop from each)
- String concatenation (demonstrate how order matters)
- Object.freeze() vs Object.seal()
- Switch example
- Class constructor example (include at least one default value)
- Sort an array of objects by a given property
- 4 ways to delete an element from an array
- Implement Bubble Sort with JS
- Implement Binary Search with JS (using recursion)
- Use Map to count how many times each element occurs in array
- Get HTML in 3 different ways (via DOM)
- Write function to determine if stringA can be arranged into stringB (i.e. anagram)
- Write function to determine what pairs in array equal a given value (no repeats)
- Use fetch API to call API, handle results/errors