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Plum is a recipe sharing website designed to help users find recipes and share their own with others.

Multi device mockup

See live site.

Table of Contents

User Experience

Project Goals

The project goal is to produce a recipe sharing website that allows users to share recipes.

User Stories


  • (US001) - As a cook I want the website to make suggestions to me so I can be introduced to new content.
  • (US002) - As a cook I want to see reviews and ratings from other users so I can select the best content.


  • (US003) - As a cook I want to search recipes by name so that I can find specific dishes that I want to make.
  • (US004) - As a cook I want to search recipes on cuisine type so that I can get dishes of a specific type I want to make.
  • (US005) - As a cook I want to be able to be able to filter recipes based on cooking time so I can get dishes I have time to prepare.
  • (US006) - As a cook I want to save my favourite recipes so that I can quickly find them again in the future.


  • (US007) - As a recipe creator I want to upload my own recipes so that other users can benefit from them.
  • (US008) - As a recipe creator I want to gain feedback on my recipes so I can discover improvements.
  • (US009) - As a recipe creator I want to be able to edit a recipe I've posted so I can improve it.


  • (US010) - As a new user I want to be able to register with the site so that I can upload new recipes and track my favourites.
  • (US011) - As a registered user I want to be able to log into my account so that I can access my recipes and favourites.


  • (US012) - As an admin I want to be able to edit content to ensure it adheres to site rules.


  • (US013) - As a user I want to receive clear feedback for my actions so I know if any further action is required.



Plum ERD_Page_2

(PDF) (dbdiagram)


  1. Unique index on page_id - Ensures pageid field is unique.
    	pageid : 1
    	unique: true
  2. Text index on title and description for text searches.
    	title : "text",
    	description : "text"
  1. Unique index on name - Ensures two users can't share a username.

    	name : 1
    	unqiue: true
  1. Unique compound index on user_id and recipe_id - Ensures only one interaction record between one recipe and user.

    	recipe_id : 1,
    	user_id : 1
    	unique : true
  1. Unique index on name - Ensures each cuisine type only appears once.

    	name : 1
    	unique : true


Find the newest recipes (for US001):, -1).skip(
	current_page * items_per_page).limit(items_per_page)
Find a specific Recipe/User interaction (for US002, US008):
plumdb.ratings.find_one({user_id : user['userid'], recipe_id : recipe['_id']})
Find a specific user account based on username (US011):
plumdb.users.find_one({name: username})
Insert a new user account into the database (US010):
Find all the recipes a user has uploaded:{author : username})
Find all the recipes a user has favourited (for US006):
	{ $match : {user_id : userid, favorited : True} },
		$lookup : {
			from : recipes,
			localField : recipe_id,
			foreignField : _id,
			as : favorites
	{$unwind : $favorites},
	{$replaceRoot : {newRoot : $favorites}}
Find a single recipe from it's pageid (for showing a single recipe page):{pageid: pageid})
Find recipes conforming to a user's search (for US003, US004, and US005):

Any individual field can be omitted as long as at least one field is passed.{
	cuisine* : query.cuisine,
	servings* : query.servings,
	time* : {$lte : query.time},
	rating* : {$gte : query.time},
	$text* : {
		$search : query.text,
		$caseSensitive : False


Potential improvements:

The mongodb text search defaults to "or" operations on the search terms. This means a search for Chicken Curry will return results that include the word Chicken or the word Curry. For instance searching for Chicken Curry will return results like Beef Curry and Fried Chicken. It may be more intuitive to try and use an "and" operation, so search results by default return results that match all the search terms. Wrapping the entire text search in double quotes (") will make mongodb match the whole phrase in order. So Chicken Curry will match Red Chicken Curry, but not Chicken with Curry or Beef Curry. Alternatively the individual words in the search can be wrapped in double quotes, which will match recipes with the search terms in any order.

Add a rating vote to a recipe (for US002 and US008):

Updating the recipe record{_id : recipeId}
	$set : {
		rating.0 : avg_rating,
		rating.<vote> : rating[vote] + 1

Adding the rating record

Update a rating vote on a recipe (for US002 and US008):

Updating the recipe record{_id : recipeId}
	$set : {
		rating.0 : avg_rating,
		rating.{vote} : rating[vote] + 1
		rating.{old_vote} : rating[old_vote] - 1

Updating the rating record

plumdb.ratings.update_one({_id : interaction._id}, 
	$set : {rating : new_rating}
Favouriting a recipe (for US006):
plumdb.ratings.update_one({_id : existing_interaction._id},
	{$set : {favorited : favorite}})
Add a comment to a recipe (for US002 and US008):{_id : recipeId}
	$push : { comments : {
		author : username,
		text : comment		
Add a new recipe (for US007):
Edit an existing recipe (for US009 and US012):{pageid : pageid}, recipe-record)


Headers are rendered using Open Sans with body text in Roboto. Open Sans was chosen for headers because it is bold and clear, while Roboto is easy to read and widely used on the web. Both are obtained from Google Fonts.


Sap Green was chosen as it is associated with nature, health, and freshness. Plum purple fits the branding of the site well while also being complimentary to Sap Green and evoking feelings of luxury. Honeydew was chosen as a background colour as it is near white, providing plenty of contrast for darker elements and text, while also tying into the main green colour.


  • Sap Green (#3F7D20) - Main site brand colour
  • Plum (#8E4585) - Accent colour
  • Honeydew (#F3FCF0) - Background colour
  • Rich Black (#0D0A0B) - Main text colour
  • White - As a background to bring out some sections


The site is designed to work and be usable on various devices from mobile phones to desktop computers with a responsive layout. The minimum targeted screen width is 320 pixels wide and a maximum tested width of 2560 pixels.

All initial wireframes are available in pdf format:



Main menu

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • User option replaced with username
      • Aids user inclusion.
    • User option changed to drop down, log out moved to drop down
      • Reduces clutter and aids categorisation.
Recipe Cards

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • Rating moved from image overlay to card body
      • Improves impact of image
      • Improves readability of rating
    • Mouseover text removed
      • No required


Home page

The home page shows a list of recent recipes uploaded to the site. Individual recipes are linked through individual recipe cards.

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • The search form is also shown on the front page.
      • Improves search usability
  • Mobile:
    • Recipe cards take full width instead of two side by side.
      • Recipe cards would be too small on mobile views
    • The menu icon is on the left instead of the right
      • Changed to reflect Materialize design language
Recipe page

The recipe page shows an individual recipe's information.

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • The ingredient/Method box uses tabs instead of an accordion.
      • Improves usability. The user has to move the mouse less to swap views.
    • Cooking and prep time has been combined.
      • Creates a cleaner look and easier search interface.
  • Mobile:
    • Header and description information has been reordered.
      • Makes the data more hierarchical.
  • Desktop:
    • Header has been reorganised
      • Makes the image more eye-grabbing and improves information hierarchy.
    • Description moved below header
      • Improves use of space.
    • Moves ingredient/method section below header
      • Improves use of space.
Login/Registration page

The Login/Registration page provides a dialog for adding new users and logging in existing users.

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • Cancel button removed
      • Not required
    • Login/Register moved to separate forms
      • Allows adding extra fields to registration if needed
    • Adds icons to fields
Add/Edit recipe page

The Add/Edit recipe page allows editing of recipe data so that it can

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • Layout changed to resemble recipe page
      • Helps the user know what the final page will look like.
    • Combines the prep and cook time fields in one
      • Reflects backend database changes
    • Switches ingredient and method step fields to dynamic lists
      • Easier to deal with in the backend. Appears more impressive to user than a text box.
    • Removes cancel button
      • Not required
Search page

The search page provides search functionality and quick links to cuisine types when a search has not been conducted. If a search has been performed the page contents is the search results.

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • An advanced search form has been added to perform more targeted searches.
      • Improves search functionality
    • Search results are displayed as icons instead of cards
      • Improves continuity between cuisine categories view and search results.
      • Allows more results to be displayed per page.
    • Adds pagination
      • Improves functionality as fewer results can be returned at once.
User Profile

The user profile page displays a user's uploaded recipes and favourites.

Changes from wireframes to final site:

  • General:
    • The vertical list has been replaced with a horizontal list.
      • Aids in categorisation.
      • Inspired by netflix/various video sites categorisation.


The site allows users to upload new recipes and edit their existing ones. Users can search for recipes based on name, description, cuisine type, number of servings cooking time and/or minimum rating. Users can favourite recipes, which links the recipe to their profile page. They can also comment on and rate recipes giving feedback to recipe creators.

Existing Features

  • (US001): On load the user is presented with the latest recipe uploads
  • (US002): Ratings are shown on the front page and with search results
    • Recipe pages show a recipe's rating and comment list
  • (US003): The basic search feature:
    • Performs text searches on the name and description field
  • (US004, US005): The advanced search feature:
    • Performs searches on the cuisines field
    • Performs searches on the servings field
    • Performs searches on the time field
    • Performs searches on the rating field
    • Performs searches on any combination of fields
  • (US006): Recipes can be favourited with a heart icon on the recipe page
  • (US007): Recipes can be added with the "add recipe" option on the main menu
  • (US008): The site allows users to:
    • Comment on and rate recipes from the recipe page
    • Delete their own comments
  • (US009): The site allows the recipe author to:
    • Edit the recipe from the recipe page
    • Delete the recipe from the recipe page
  • (US010): New users can register on the site from the log on page
  • (US011): Registered users can log in to the site from the log on page
  • (US012): The site allows admin users to:
    • Edit any recipe from its page
    • Delete any recipe from its page
    • Delete any comment
  • (US013): The site provides multiple feedback mechanisms:
    • Flash messages from the server provides information, warning and error messages raised during backend operations.
    • Forms indicate required fields with warning messages on submit.
    • Forms provide validation warnings through colour cues and messages on the form field.
    • Interactive site components react to user actions with hover cues.
    • Recipe ingredients in the recipe ingredient list indicate usage or availability.
    • Recipe steps can be highlighted to indicate the user's current progress.

Future Features

  • (US012): Admin panel to simplify administration tasks.
  • (US012): User accounts can't be suspended.
  • (US013): A custom 404 error page with suggestions to help users find content if url is mis-linked/typed.
  • User password can't be changed. Related to (US010 and US011).
  • (US007, US008, US009): Rich text input for comments and recipe text.
  • (US003): A more refined text search to allow better combination than the current "or" method.
  • (US001, US003, US004, US005): "Load more" pagination may be better than the current pages solution. This would allow more or less search results to be returned dependent on screen size through appropriate use of JavaScript within the ajax request.
  • (US009, US012): Allow reordering of ingredients and steps in the recipe form.
  • (US012): Deletion of cloudinary recipe images through site and when recipe record is deleted.


Site architecture

The site uses a python server backend and Mongodb database. Server code is implemented in the following files:
    • Main server code. Flask initialisation, database interface, and server routes.
    • Exposes custom decorators to simplify some defensive programming tasks.
    • Exposes some simple functions for common tasks.
Front end HTML is generated by the following Jinja templates:
  • base.html
    • Defines the main site structure and navigation. All other templates extend this one.
  • home.html
    • Generates the main landing page.
  • login.html
    • Generates the login page. Performs user login and registration.
  • search.html
    • Generates the search page. Performs searches and shows search results.
    • Also provides macros to generate:
      • The basic and advanced search forms
      • A responsive pagination control
  • recipe.html
    • Generate individual recipe pages.
  • edit_recipe.html
    • Generates the add/edit recipe pages.
  • user_profile.html
    • Generates the user profile pages.

In addition the following templates provide macros for generating custom controls and display elements:

  • items.html
    • Exposes macros that generate:
      • The recipe cards used on the landing page
      • The icon tiles used for recipe links on search and user profile pages
  • star-rating.html
    • Exposes macros that generate:
      • The static star rating display element
      • The interactive star rating control
Pages are styled through the following css files:
  • style.css
    • Defines global styles used by all pages.
  • login.css
    • Defines styles used by the login page.
  • recipe.css
    • Defines styles used by the recipe and add/edit recipe pages
  • search.css
    • Defines styles used by the search page
The site also uses the following JavaScript files for dynamic functionality:
  • script.js
    • Code used by all pages.
      • Initialises materialize components.
      • Defines a general AJAX function.
  • login.js
    • Code used on the login page.
      • Performs AJAX requests to check username is available during registration
      • Ensures password and password confirmation fields are equal.
  • recipes.js
    • Code used on the recipe and add/edit recipes pages.
      • Performs AJAX submissions for commenting, rating and favouriting recipes.
      • Interfaces with cloudinary for image uploads.


  • HTML5
    • Used as the markup language for the site layout.
  • CSS3
    • Used to style and colour HTML and dynamic elements.
  • JavaScript
    • Used to create and manipulate the site's client-side dynamic elements. Also performs AJAX requests for client/server communication.
  • Python
    • Used for the backend server and running queries to the database.
  • Jinja
    • Used to generate HTML from site templates
  • SVG
    • Used to define a number of the sites icons and graphical elements.


  • Flask
    • The project uses the Flask micro-web framework to simplify web server tasks.
  • Wekzeug
    • The project uses the Werkzeug WSGI library to manage the Web Server Gateway Interface and related tasks.
  • JQuery
    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
  • Materialize
    • The project uses Materialize to aid in responsive design and conforming to the google material design language.


  • Typora
    • Typora was used to simplify creation of the file.
  • Atom
    • Atom was used to write HTML/CSS, Javascript and Python code.
  • dbdiagram
    • Used to create Entity Relationship Diagrams of the database.
  • Balsamic
    • Used to create the website's wireframes.


  • Git
    • Used for version control (via github desktop).
  • Github desktop
    • Used to push updates and synchronise local code with the remote repository.
  • Github
    • Used to store the project repository and deploy the site via github pages.
  • MongoDB
    • Used for the backend database.
  • Adobe Photoshop
    • Used to create some of the image files used on the site.
  • Adobe Illustrator
    • Used to create some of the sprite images and icons used on the site.
  • Cloudinary
    • Used to store and serve recipe images and handle image uploading.
  • Coolors
    • Used to help define the site colour scheme.
  • Autoprefixer
    • Used to ensure backwards CSS compatibility with legacy browsers.
  • ami.responsive
    • Used to generate multi-device mockup image.


  • Heroku
    • The project uses Heroku as it's deployment platform.


Information on testing can be found in

Source Control

The website was developed using the Atom editor with github for version control. Github Desktop was used to simplify the process of compiling pushing commits to the remote repository.


Branches were used to add and develop new features for testing without affecting the main branch and deployed application.

Creating a branch

Command Line Interface: `>git branch `

A branch can be created and selected in one operation with:

>git checkout -b <branch name>

Github Repository: From the repository main page on
  1. Selecting the branch drop down

  2. Typing a new branch name into the dropdown

  3. Selecting the "Create Branch" option

    Github new branch

Github Desktop: From github desktop main window:
  1. Selecting the current branch drop down
  2. Typing the new branch name into the input field
  3. Clicking the new branch button

Github desktop create new branch

Selecting a branch

Command Line Interface

git checkout <branch name>

Github repository

From the githup repository main page:

  1. Select the branch drop down
  2. Select the required branch

Github select branch

Github Desktop

From the github desktop main window:

  1. Select the current branch drop down
  2. Select the required branch

Github desktop select branch

Merging a branch

Command Line Interface
  1. Checkout branch to merge into:

    >git checkout <destination branch>

  2. Merge source branch into destination:

    git merge <source branch>

Github repository

From the github repository.

  1. Select "Pull Requests" from the menu bar
  2. Select button "Compare & pull request"
  3. Select the destination branch from the first drop down
  4. Select the source branch in the second drop down
  5. Add any comments and select "Create pull request"
  6. In the following page select "Merge pull request"
  7. Add any comments and select "Confirm merge"

Merge branch github

Github Desktop

From the github desktop main window:

  1. Select the current branch dropdown
  2. Select the required destination branch
  3. Reopen the branch dropdown
  4. Select "choose a branch to merge" option
  5. From the new window select the required source branch
  6. Select Merge button at the bottom of the window

Merge Branch github desktop

Deleting a branch

Command Line Interface
  1. Ensure you are not on the branch you want to delete by selecting another

  2. Delete the branch locally:

    git branch - <local branch name>

  3. Delete the branch remotely:

    git push origin --delete <remote branch name>

Github repository

From the github repository main page:

  1. Select the branches option:

    Github branch delete step 1

  2. Select the trashcan icon next to the branch you want to delete:

    Github delete branch step 2

Github Desktop

From the main window

  1. Select the branch you want to delete
  2. From the main menu select "Branch"
  3. Select "Delete..."
  4. Select the checkbox to delete the remote branch
  5. Select Delete

Delete branch github desktop

Github Desktop

Github Accounts

Once installed Github Desktop can be linked to an existing user account by:

  1. Selecting File->Options from the Github Desktop menu.
  2. Selecting sign in in the Accounts section of the dialog.
  3. Enter github user account and password.

Cloning Repositories

Adding an existing github repository to the local machine and Github Desktop can be achieved by:

  1. Selecting File->Clone repository... from the Github Desktop menu.
  2. Selecting the repository from the list in the dialog.
  3. Selecting where the repository should be cloned to on the local machine
  4. Clicking the clone button
  5. Github Desktop will automatically clone the repository.

Selecting current Repository

Github Desktop will automatically track any changes to the current local repository from the github repository.

  1. Click the "current repository" button
  2. Select the required repository from the menu

Updating Github

Github desktop will automatically flag unmerged changes in the current repository. These can be merged by:

  1. Deselect any changes to be excluded from the next commit in the changes list. (Github desktop automatically selects all available commits.)
  2. Add commit summary.
  3. Add commit description (if any).
  4. Click "commit to master".
  5. Select Push Origin from the pane on the right.


Database Deployment

The site uses a Mongodb database for data storage and retrieval.

Connecting to Mongodb

From the CLI:

mongo "mongodb<url connection string>" --username root

Input the root password when prompted

Creating or selecting a database

From the MongoDB CLI:

use <database>

Creating a collection

From the MongoDB CLI:


Adding an index

From the MongoDB CLI:


Deployment Platform

The site is deployed to Heroku at:

Creating a Heroku app

From the Heroku dashboard:
  • Select "New"

    • Select "Create new app"

    Create Heroku app step one

  • Add new app details to form

    • Add app name
    • Select region
    • Click create app

    Create Heroku app step 2

Setting Environment variables

From the Heroku dashboard:
  • Select the app from the list

    Environment Variables1

  • Select "Settings" from the menu

    • From the settings menu select "Reveal Config Vars"
    • Add environment variables in key value pairs
    • Click "Add" to add each key/value pair


Creating the required deployment files in the repository:
  • requirements.txt
    • Lists the required python modules for Heroku to install on deployment.
    • To create
      • from the project root directory type:
      • pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Procfile
    • Tells heroku what command to use to start the app.
    • To create
      • Type the following command into the project root directory:
      • echo web: python > Procfile
  • slugignore (optional)
    • Lists files and directories that shouldn't be deployed to the live app, like testing and development files. Uses a similar syntax to .gitignore.
    • Create a text file.
      • List the files and directories to be excluded from the live deployment
      • Save to the project root directory as ".slugignore"
From the Heroku dashboard:
  • Select the app from the list

  • Select "Deploy" from the menu

  • Connect app to github

    • Scroll to the "Connect to GitHub" section
    • Select github user
    • Add repo name and select search
    • Click connect button next to repository name

    heroku connect to github

  • Manual deployment

    • Scroll to the "Manual deploy" section
    • Select the deployment branch
    • Select "Deploy Branch"

    heroku manual deploy

Automatic Deployment

From the Heroku dashboard:
  • Select the app from the list

  • Select "Deploy" from the menu

  • Ensure app is connected to github repository

  • Enable automatic deployment

    • Scroll to Automatic deployment
    • Select the deployment branch "Choose a branch to deploy" dropdown
      • This will usually be the main branch
    • Select "Enable Automatic Deploys"

    heroku automatic deploy



The cuisine category images were obtained from unsplash and edited by Sean Young.
