Simple grid board widget for gtk4. Some things that can be customized:
- number of rows and columns (of course)
- cell radius
- cell spacing (between cells)
- colors (cell, grid, background)
- turn on/off guide lines (and accent lines)
CSS .grid-board #guidelines #cells
- C11 compiler
- meson
- gtk4
- git
clone and cd into the directory
meson setup build
cd build
meson compile
meson test --verbose
meson install
ninja uninstall
gnt_dep = dependency('gnt-0.1')
e = executable(
dependencies: [gnt_dep],
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(gnt REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET gnt-0.1>=0.1)
target_link_libraries(... PkgConfig::gnt)
C/C++ It's used like any other gtk widget, just include the header (ggb.h) and create an instance of the widget (GgbGrid). You can take a look at the test file in the root directory.
Python bindings are available and installed by default, there is an example in the examples
Note: At the moment there is no stubs generated, but the api is almost the same as the C api (just look at the header file).