This repository contains a Proof of Concept demonstrating how to secure API endpoints using OpenResty while exposing a public-facing PHP application. The PHP application is accessible at the root path (/
), whereas the API endpoint is protected using custom headers.
In this POC, the root path is publicly exposed, but all requests to the API endpoint are secured using OpenResty. OpenResty allows you to enforce custom HTTP headers to control access to the API endpoint.
You can customize the header name and value to secure the API endpoint by setting environment variables in the Docker configuration.
The following environment variables can be set to define the custom header for securing the API endpoint:
- SECURE_HEADER_KEY=X-Openresty-Auth-Key
: The custom header name that the client must include in API requests to pass authentication.SECURE_HEADER_VALUE
: The required value for the custom header that the client must use for API requests to be considered valid.
By default, the API endpoint expects the following header to be included in requests:
X-Openresty-Auth-Key: S3cur3Au7h
Any requests without this header or with incorrect values will be denied access.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd openresty-secure-endpoint-poc
2.1 Build and run the Docker container:
docker-compose up --build
2.2 Or Build and run Tilt:
tilt up
- Access the PHP app at
To access the secured API endpoint, make sure to include the custom header in your request.
You can change the security headers by modifying the values of SECURE_HEADER_KEY
in the Docker configuration (docker-compose.yml
or Dockerfile).
For example, to change the authentication header:
Now, the API endpoint will expect the following header:
X-Custom-Auth: mySecureToken
This POC is ideal for scenarios where you need a simple and lightweight way to secure backend API endpoints without complex authentication mechanisms. OpenResty can be used to enforce these security rules at the server level, providing a flexible and performant solution.