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An efficient and intuitive inventory management application designed for e-commerce businesses.


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An efficient and intuitive inventory management application designed for e-commerce businesses.

CodePath WEB103 Final Project

Designed and developed by: Priscilla Colon, Sebastian Nunez

Link to deployed app:

Demo Video:

landing page

Table of Contents


  • Product Management:

    • Add, update, and remove products with ease.
    • Categorize and tag products for efficient organization.
  • Category & Tag Management:

    • Create, update, and remove categories and tags for products.
    • Assign products to multiple tags.
  • User-friendly Interface:

    • Browse products, view details, and manage inventory via an Inventory or "card view"
    • Browse products, view details, and manage inventory via a Dashboard or "tabular view"
    • End-to-end form and input validation
    • Login via OAuth using GitHub
  • Inventory Control:

    • Monitor product quantities and make adjustments as needed.
    • Receive low-stock alerts for timely restocking.


Project Overview

All wireframes

StockPulse - Design Process Overview

Product Browser

product view

Inventory Table

table view



Error Handling



Loading Skeletons

loading skeleton 1

loading skeleton 2


  • Frontend
    • Languages: JavaScript
    • Frameworks: React.js (Vite)
    • UI Components: NextUI, TailwindCSS
    • Icons: Lucide Icons
    • Data Fetching: useQuery, Axios
    • Form Validation: react-hook-form, Zod
    • Notifications/Toasts: react-hot-toast
  • Backend:
    • Languages: Node.js
    • Frameworks: Express
    • Authentication: Passport, OAuth2
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Hosting: Railway
  • Design: Whimsical


Video Walkthrough

Here's a GIF walkthrough of the final project

Product Details

Users are able to see an individual product's full details via a responsive modal

Product Details Demo

Responsive Design & Accessibility

StockPulse was design with a responsive architecture while following the latest WAI-ARIA accessability standards to accommodate a mobile and desktop experience.

Responsive Design Demo

Inventory Pagination

Users are able to scroll through different pages of products

Pagination Demo

Product Management Modals

Input forms are fully validated before submission including user-friendly error messages and hints. Error and success notifications are displayed.

Product Modal Demo

Loading Skeletons & Error Handling

We've implemented loading skeletons to maximize UX and give users as much feedback as possible. Moreover, we've implemented extensive error handling through messages, modals, and cards.

Loading Skeletons Demo

Loading Skeletons

Error Handling Demo

Error Handling

Filtering Capabilities

Users are able to filter items by their, related tags, and category.

Product Filtering Demo

Product Inventory Grid

Within the Inventory view, users will be able to see the most relevant details about a product. Also, they're able to click on an item and expand all it's details; moreover, users can edit an item.

Product Grid Demo

End-to-End API Validation

All API endpoints validate their data and send helpful error messages back to the client.

E2E Validation Demo

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Set up the backend:
    • Navigate to the backend directory: cd server
    • Install dependencies: npm install
    • Update the environment variables: make a copy of the .env.template rename it to .env and fill in the variables
    • Run the backend server: npm run start
  3. Set up the frontend:
    • Navigate to the frontend directory: cd client
    • Install dependencies: npm install
    • Run the frontend app: npm run dev
  4. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to access StockPulse. Note: The service currently relies on Railway for database hosting and management. You can sign up and host your own instance. Learn more about Railway

Kanban Board

You can find the full board on Whimsical.

Kanban Board




Login/Sign up

Sign up Log in





Product Management

Product Details Edit Product Add Product

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

System Design

High Level

System Design

"Get All Users" Trace

High-level trace

The diagram ignores any authentication/authorization measures.


In this schema, we have the following relationships:

  1. One-to-Many Relationship (Category to Products):

    • Each product belongs to one category.
  2. Many-to-Many Relationship (Products to Tags):

    • Products can have multiple tags, and each tag can be associated with multiple products.


Stores information about individual products.

Field Type Description Constraints
product_id SERIAL Unique identifier for the product Primary Key
name VARCHAR(100) Name of the product Not Null, Unique
brand VARCHAR(100) Brand or manufacturer of the product Not Null
description VARCHAR(255) Description of the product Not Null
image VARCHAR(255) Image of the product Not Null
quantity INT Quantity of the product in stock Not Null
price DECIMAL(12,2) Price of the product in USD Not Null
is_available BOOLEAN Information about the product's availability (true/false) Not Null, true or false
weight DECIMAL(10,2) Weight of the product (in lbs) Not Null
dimensions VARCHAR(50) Dimensions of the product (Length x Width x Height) Default: "Unknown."
warranty_info VARCHAR(255) Details about the product's warranty Default: "No warranty information available."
notes TEXT Any notes about the product
date_added DATE Date when the product was added to the inventory Not Null, Default: CURRENT_DATE
category_id INT Foreign key referencing a category Foreign Key, ON DELETE SET NULL


Stores information about product categories.

Field Type Description Constraints
category_id SERIAL Unique identifier for the category Primary Key
name VARCHAR(25) Name of the category Not Null, Unique
description VARCHAR(255) Description of the category Default: "No description provided."


Stores information about product tags. Ex. Discounted, Hotsale, Rebate etc.

Field Type Description Constraints
tag_id SERIAL Unique identifier for the tag Primary Key
name VARCHAR(25) Name of the tag Not Null, Unique
description VARCHAR(255) Description of the tag Default: "No description provided."


Establishes a many-to-many relationship between products and tags.

Field Type Description Constraints
product_id INT Foreign key referencing products Foreign Key, ON DELETE CASCADE
tag_id INT Foreign key referencing tags Foreign Key, ON DELETE CASCADE
PRIMARY KEY (product_id, tag_id) Composite primary key Primary Key


This project is licensed under the MIT License