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tkchal Configuration

sebastianriese edited this page Jun 7, 2012 · 1 revision

This page discusses the possibilities of configuring and customizing the graphical front-end.

Preferences Window

In the Settings menu one can find the Preferences entry which opens a window where the strength of the ai and the whether the computer plays tiger or sheep may be set.

Config File

The configuration file for tkchal is located at ~/.tkchal. All possible configurations are

# This is an example configuration file showing all possible parameters

args = -r -w                    ; options passed on to the baghchal binary
path = /usr/local/bin/baghchal  ; path to the baghchal binary, this is only
                                ; necessary if baghchal is not in the search path
                                ; or to explicitly overwrite the binary to use

ai = sheep                      ; ai plays sheep, the other possible value is tiger
aistrength = 3                  ; controls the strength of the ai

sheepcolor = red                ; change the colour of the sheep
tigercolor = blue               ; change the colour of the tigers

Environment Variables

The environment variable BAGHCHAL may contain the path to the baghchal binary, if set, this takes precedence over the engine.path argument in the config file.

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